Guru Purnima 2024

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Guru Purnima festival falls on the first full moon day or Purnima right after the summer solstice, in the month of July or August. As per the Hindu Panchang, this day arrives in the Ashadha maas, and this year, it will fall on 21st July.

Guru Purnima 2024 Dates & Time

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All About the Festival of Guru Purnima

The sacred day associated with this festival signifies the time when Shiva, or as he is called the Adi Yogi, or the first Yogi, transmitted the knowledge of the yogic sciences to his devotees. The first disciples to receive this venerated knowledge were the Saptarishis or the seven sages. Hence, this is how the Adi Yogi became the first Guru or Adi Guru on this propitious day. The seven celebrated sages or the Saptarishis took this holy knowledge, transmitting it through the entire world. Even to this day, all spiritual processes carried out on this planet hark back to this knowledge, drawing from the spine of sacred knowledge imparted by the Adi Yogi.

Guru Purnima Puja Vidhi

Paying respect to your teachers is not as simple as merely saying thanks. Express your heartfelt gratitude towards your Guru by following the below-mentioned puja vidhi:

  • Devotees celebrating this day should wake up early in the morning, take a bath and wear clean clothes to begin their day.

  • Spread a white cloth in the North direction of your house and place the idols or pictures of your Gurus on it. Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh are the supreme Gurus, and one must seek their blessings on this day after expressing thankfulness. 

  • Offer flowers and garlands to the deities.

  • Offer sweets as Prashad to the deities.

  • Close your eyes as you recite the Guru mantra and remember your teachers to thank them for their valuable guidance in your life.

Mentioned below is the Guru mantra-

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः।
गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः॥ 
(gururbrahma grururvishuh gururdevo mahesvarah। 
guruh saksat param brahma tasmai shri gurave namah॥)

  • Perform the aarti and thank the Gurus for all the meaningful lessons they have imparted to you.

  • Seek their blessings by joining your hands together.

Astrological Significance of Guru Purnima

According to the Hindu calendar, this day falls on the Purnima tithi in the Sukla Paksha of the Ashadha month and is also known as Vyasa Purnima. As per astrology, the Moon stays in the house of Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, as well as in the Purvashadha Nakshatra, which is ruled by Venus at this time. It is for this reason precisely that the Moon is believed to be the ruler of an individual’s heart and mind. It is this connection between the heart and the mind that our Gurus tend to nurture, enabling us to develop a behavior that is both moral and pragmatic.

On this day, the weather tends to be gloomy and dark in the month of Ashadha that is known for the thick blanket of clouds that cover the sky. As a result, when the Moon finally shines bright on the day of Purnima, it is believed to dispel the darkness away. It is for this reason that Ved Vyas and the interpreter of the Vedas, Sukhdev, are worshipped on this day, as per the Puranas.

Importance of Guru Purnima

The word “Guru” finds its origin in the ancient language of Sanskrit. It means the “dispeller of darkness.” A Guru is a lighthouse in an individual’s life, dispelling the dark clouds of ignorance. He or she allows the disciples to find the source of creation within themselves as they make the best use of their talents to achieve success in life.

This festival is therefore traditionally celebrated to offer our gratitude towards our teachers or Gurus and seek their blessings as we gear up to face the challenges thrown at us by life. This day also holds such great significance as it is believed to be an excellent time to practice yogic meditation or sadhana. Furthermore, this day is dedicated to honoring Ved Vyasa, one of the most honored Gurus, as per our scriptures. He was the learned individual who structured the four Vedas of Hinduism, laid down the groundwork for writing many Puranas, composed the epic of Mahabharata, and was an overall encyclopedia of deep ancient knowledge of the Hindu religion.

Rituals Performed on Guru Purnima

This special day holds a lot of relevance for a lot of people, and hence, it is celebrated all across the country with vigor. Not only do the Hindus celebrate this day, but even the followers of Buddhism observe this day with equal enthusiasm. Here are some of the rituals performed on this day:
 A lot of people associate the day of Guru Purnima with the worship of Lord Vishnu. As a result of this, it is believed to be extremely beneficial to chant the Vishnu Sahastranam or the thousand names of

Lord Vishnu on this day

Several people observe fasts on this day and try to refrain from eating salt, cereals, and pulses, along with non-vegetarian foods. Fruits and yogurt are eaten by some, while others choose to not eat the entire day. The fast is broken in the evening after performing the puja.
Special pujas are performed in the temples on this propitious occasion, and Charnamrita is distributed as Prashad after the aarti.
People visit their teachers or Gurus on this auspicious day to thank them in person. Wearing white or yellow is customary on this pious day.
People celebrate the day by making delectable dishes that are served for dinner. Poori chole, halwa, laddoo, khichdi, etc., are the biggest attractions at the dinner table.
Buddhist devotees annually organize an event that is called Uposatha where many people begin their journey into the life of an ascetic on this blessed day.

Legends Associated with Guru Purnima

Before Gautama received enlightenment, he rejected worldly pleasures and chose a life of austerity and penance. He left his friends and family behind in search of the greater truth. Ancient scriptures reveal that Lord Buddha went to Sarnath from Bodhgaya five days after attaining enlightenment. The Pancavaggiya monks who had accompanied him on his journey left him to go to Isipatana or Sarnath. This is why Buddha followed them to the city of Sarnath because his spiritual powers had revealed to him that his former companions would be able to easily receive the teachings of Dharma from him. He thus imparted his knowledge of Dharma to his five former consorts, enlightening them in the process. The sermon by Buddha on this occasion was his first sermon which is called the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. Delivered on the full moon day of Ashadha, this day holds a lot of significance for the Buddhists who celebrate the day as Guru Purnima.

This favorable day holds so much meaning for many people as it is a day that we get to pay our respect to our teachers, to the people who have given direction to our lives. The role of the teacher is akin to the role of Gods as per Hinduism, and thus, this day is celebrated with increased fervor.

If you wish to know more about Guru Purnima 2024 get connected with Astroyogi astrologers right away! 

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