
According to Vedic Astrology, the zodiac comprises of 360 degrees. Since there are 27 Nakshatras (constellations) in it, the value of each constellation is 13º and 20 minutes when measured from the fixed initial point. Further, each Nakshatra is also divided into padas or charan, and every Nakshatra has 4 padas.

Importance of Nakshatras in Panchang

Importance of Nakshatras in Panchang
PoojaHeading PoojaHeading
22 October 2024 |
Nakshatra - Uttra Shadha till 5:10:21 After That Shravan

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Importance of Nakshatras in Panchang

As per the Hindu mythology, the twenty-seven Nakshatras are believed to be the daughter of King Daksha and Moon is married to all of them. This is why the lunar month is of approximately 27 days (equal to the number of Nakshatras) as the Moon spends approximately one day in each constellation.

The term "Nakshatra," translates into ‘Sky Map’: ‘Naks' meaning ‘sky’ and ‘Shetra' meaning ‘region’. Astrologers also deduce another translation: ‘Naksha’ meaning ‘map' and ‘Tara’ meaning ‘star’ and so Nakshatra means ‘Star Map’.

The Nakshatras have been classified in various ways; according to their basic attributes, their astronomical names and categories, the deity that rules them, their ruling planet and starting Dasha, their gender and cast. An important classification that many astrologers keep in mind while analyzing, is the primary motivation of the Nakshatra. This includes Kama; which represents sensual desires, Artha; which represents material desires, Dharma; which represents living one’s life based on spiritual principles, and lastly, Moksha; which represents liberation from birth and death.

The 27 Nakshatra names are-

  • Ashwini Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Ketu) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Ashwini brothers.
  • Bharani Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Venus) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Yama.
  • Krittika Nakshatra (ruled by the Sun) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Goddess Agni.
  • Rohini Nakshatra (ruled by the Moon) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Brahma.
  • Mrigashira Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Mars) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Chandra.
  • Ardra Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Rahu) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Rudra.
  • Punarvasu Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Jupiter) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Adity.
  • Pushya Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Saturn) -It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Brihaspathi.
  • Ashlesha Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Mercury) -It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the Nagas.
  • Magha Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Ketu) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the Pithras.
  • PurvaPhalguni Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Venus) -It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Bhaga.
  • UttaraPhalguni Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Sun) -It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Aryaman.
  • Hasta Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Moon) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Aditya.
  • Chitra Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Mars) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Tvashtav.
  • Swati Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Rahu) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Vayu.
  • Vishakha Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Jupiter) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Indra-Agni.
  • Anuradha Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Saturn) -It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Mitra.
  • Jyestha Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Mercury) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Indra.
  • Moola/Mula Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Ketu) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Goddess Nirrti.
  • Poorvashadha Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Venus) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Goddess Jal.
  • Uttarashadha Nakshatra (ruled by the Sun) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Vishwa Deva.
  • Shravana Nakshatra (ruled by the Moon) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Vishnu.
  • Dhanishtha Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Mars) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Ashta Vasav.
  • Shatabhisha Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Rahu) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Varuna.
  • Poorvabhadrapada Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Jupiter) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Ajaikapat.
  • Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Saturn) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by the deity Ahir Budhanya.
  • Revati Nakshatra (ruled by the planet Mercury) - It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Pooshvav.
  • Some astrologers also believe in a 28th Nakshatra; Abhijit, ruled by the Sun. It is believed that this Nakshatra is ruled by Lord Brahma.

Vedic astrologers also consider Nakshatras to be extremely significant during Kundli matching. Vedic astrologers prefer to analyse a person’s personality traits through the birth star (Nakshatra of the Moon) rather than by the Sun sign. The Sun changes signs approximately every month, while the Moon changes its sign every 2-3 days. This is why predictions based on Moon are more accurate and more reliable, since our moods and circumstances are also frequently changing.

Nakshatras are stellar constellations and the word translates to "sky map". Nakshatras can be found with the help of the moons degree in a particular sign at the time of birth of a person. Vedic astrology focuses more on the birth star (Nakshatra of the Moon) than on Sun signs to read the personality traits of a person. The planet’s Nakshatra positions are also studied in the natal chart thus making its use much more significant in Vedic astrology than in zodiac signs.

Ashwini Bharani Krittika Rohini Mrigashira Ardra Purnavasu Pushya Ashlesha Magha Moola Purva Phalguni Uttara Phalguni Hasta Chitra Swati Vishakha Anuradha Jyeshtha Purva Ashada Uttra Ashada Revati Shravana Dhanishtha Shatbhisha Purva Bhadrapada Uttara Bhadrapada
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