Good Friday 2024

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Good Friday arrives every year on the last Friday before Easter. In 2024, this festival will fall on the 29th of March. It is the day that is observed to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. In German, this day is called Karfreitag which means the sorrowful Friday. It is an important day when Christians all over the world observe fasts and penance to acknowledge Christ’s sacrifice.

When is Good Friday in 2024?

Good Friday 2024 date falls on 29th March this year. It always occurs on the last Friday before Easter. For a full list of Good Friday dates.

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All About the Festival of Good Friday

This day is an extremely crucial day for all Christians. It marks one of the most significant weekends in the world’s history. Jesus was crucified during this period but he was raised from the dead on the third day. This momentous incident has changed the course of events in world history, making Christianity one of the biggest organized religions in the world. The cross and Christ’s resurrection have been deemed extremely decisive for the world as we know it today. Christians all over the world express their gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice when he died for the sins of humanity on this day. 

Significance of Good Friday

In order to atone for the sins of mankind, Jesus Christ gave up his life. He willingly suffered extreme torture and agreed to death by crucifixion due to his boundless love for humanity. On the occasion of Good Friday every year, people remember his grave sacrifices and express their thankfulness for his actions. 

Even though this day commemorates a sad event in history, it is called Good Friday. So what is the reason behind the meaning of Good Friday? Despite the sadness and dejection that overcame the followers of Christ, the day is addressed in a happy tone because one group of people believes that the name is derived from its earlier nomenclature, that is, God’s Friday. It is believed that the earlier name morphed into Good Friday over the course of centuries. Another group of people believes that the name is justified even though it marks the death of Christ as his suffering was a part of God’s plan to absolve the world of its sins. This festival falls after the celebrations of Easter, the day Jesus was raised from the dead, symbolizing the victory of goodness over sins. It is a celebration of faith, both in humanity as well as in God’s plans.

Good Friday Celebrations

Traditionally, Good Friday celebrations are marked by introspection and reflection. This is the day when people focus on the sacrifices made by Jesus for them and their sins. People spend the day mourning and visiting the Church. All around the world, the day is celebrated in a similar fashion. Let us look at the most prominent activities of the day:

  • It is a day of Good Friday prayers and fasting.

  • People attend the Church service in the afternoon as this is the time when Christ was crucified painfully on the cross. At 3 in the afternoon, the time when Jesus died, a three-hour-long agony called the three-hour devotion is held in the Christian service by Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Methodist as well as Anglican churches.

  • Some churches organize skits that recreate the events of the day as enumerated in the Bible, depicting the final moments of Christ’s life.

  • Some churches organize a small ceremony of the veneration of the cross where all Christians kneel before the cross to reaffirm their faith in Christ.

  • In Jerusalem, followers of Christianity walk in the footsteps of Christ, covering the same path that leads to the spot where he was apparently crucified. They carry a cross on their back to symbolically represent the torment and hardship endured by Jesus himself.

  • The Pope in the Vatican City chants the way of the cross in the Colosseum for all Catholics around the world. Devotees hold candles while a huge cross that is affixed with torches burns high up in the sky.

  • Some countries hold parades on the occasion, like Italy, Malta, Spain, the Philippines, and even India.

  • There is also a tradition of flying kites that symbolize the ascent of Christ to heaven after his death in some countries like Bermuda.

  • Other countries have a tradition of draping the churches in black to showcase their mourning for Christ’s death, like in Belgium.

  • People in London gather together to witness a passion play depicting Christ’s crucifixion in the famous Trafalgar square. This ninety-minute long play is extremely popular and welcomes one and all to bear witness to Christ’s laudable actions.

The Significance of the Good Friday

According to Christianity, the cross represents the amalgamation of suffering and forgiveness. It showcases the convergence of Christ’s torment and God’s forgiveness of humanity’s sins. According to the Psalm, the cross mirrors the kiss between righteousness and peace. It is the cross bore by Jesus Christ where God’s righteousness came in contact with his mercy.

It is due to Christ that we humans were able to receive sacred forgiveness, peace, and mercy when he willingly suffered the divine punishment. He proved that God’s righteousness can absolve all sins. Knowing God’s plans of his resurrection as well as our salvation, Christ endured the punishment with a smile on his face. He set the path alight for God’s supreme reign of peace and righteousness to conquer all else.

Symbols Associated with Good Friday

In order to celebrate the memory of Christ, this festival is celebrated all around the world. It marks the passion, death, and crucifixion of Christ. As a result, the cross or the crucifix is the most prominent symbol associated with this day. It is a symbol of Christ’s death for all of humanity. Other notable symbols associated with this day include black clothes that cover the cross as a symbol of mourning for his sacrificial death. The different paintings and statues in the church that denote the element of mourning and sadness are also relevant symbols of this day. Furthermore, people remove shiny objects and flowers from their homes, as they are markers of happiness and prosperity, to signify their grief on this day.

This day is observed everywhere in the world among the Christian community to symbolize their gratitude towards their Lord and their savior. The spirit of happy Good Friday celebrates the true meaning of forgiveness, compelling each one of us to become better human beings. 

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