Travel Line

Travel Line

Amongst all the other lines on hands, travel line is the only line which can be found in various areas of the palm.

It is an evolving line, so one needs to carefully look for changes in the line. Each change depicts a different meaning related to travel. For example, if someone travels abroad the change will be visible in both fate and lifeline.
These are branches of lifeline and transverse lines.

Note: These lines do not show permanent settlement abroad.

It starts from the edge of the palm at the base upwards or downwards. These lines can also pass a thorough lifeline.
The shape number and length of the travel line determines its state and lays down the foundation for prediction.

Types of Lines

Dark and clear
People who have such a line are travel lovers and keen on going abroad.

Deep and far away
If the person has a deep line which is far away from the others then it is likely that he or she can reside abroad and also earn over there.

Clear also lifeline extends to meet
Such a line predicts that the person will locate elsewhere, willingly or unwillingly and will also not like the change.

If travel line intersects with the lifeline
Unfortunately, if the travel line intersects with the lifeline, then it is predicted that the person is likely to face an accident during his or her travel or die in a strange land.

Consult to Palm Reader

Travel line thicker than the Lifeline

If the travel line is thicker than the lifeline then it indicates that the person will settle somewhere else, away from the homeland and also die there or some other strange land.

Minor travel lines near the lifeline
If there are minor travel lines near the lifeline then it alerts the person to keep a check on health. It signals health problems due to lack of rest.
Note: the longer the travel line the more chances of travelling abroad or going and settling in the foreign land.

Travel Line Intersects in a Cross

If the travel line intersects in a cross then the person is likely to get help while travelling.

In palmistry, the lines keep changing their form, shape and size. Which means the prediction of the present is not supposed to be considered permanent. It is only an expert astrologer who can give you detailed information and prediction concerning all kinds of lines present on the palm.

Ensure to pick an expert astrologer, to know more about life and also how you can pre-plan the upcoming time by making a few alterations in your personality, choices and thoughts.

Consult India's top expert astrologers online right here! For details click here!

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