Indian National Congress (INC)

Indian National Congress (INC)

The Indian National Congress is a broadly based political party in India. Congress was founded on 28th December, 1885 by A.O Hume, Dada Bhai Naroji and Dinsha Vacha under the British Rule. Before the arrival of Mahatma Gandhi, the party remained an elite organization but Gandhi’s involvement and after he became the President of the party, many changes were made inside the party. Congress transformed from an elite party to a public party and began its journey to establish a complete authoritative state of the nation by non-violent procedures.

After hundreds of movements and protests with millions losing their lives, India finally got independence in 1947 and Congress became the first independent political party of India. From the time of independence till 2014 there have been 16 general elections and Congress has won 6 of them with complete majority and formed their government. And in 4 of the elections, Congress has constructed the ruling alliance and led the party to a total of 49 years of reign. After Independence there have been a total of 7 Prime Ministers from the party; Jawahar Lal Nehru (1947- 1965) being the first.

Lal Bahadur Shastri was the second Prime Minister after Nehru and Indira Gandhi was the third. Indira Gandhi reinstated the party after the emergency of 2nd January 1978. Next was Manmohan Singh (2004-2014). 2014 general elections resulted to be the worst for the party since Independence and they saw defeat getting only 44 seats from a total of 543 seats. Congress couldn’t stand ground in front of Modi tornado. The time from 2014-2017 was the toughest for the INC as most of the states slipped away from their hands giving them a series of shock.

Meanwhile, Congress saw a huge change in the party when Sonia Gandhi bid adieu to the Presidency of the Party and passed on the responsibility to his son Rahul Gandhi with the agreement of all members of the party. After a series of bad results Congress saw a ray of hope in the face of 2018 Assembly Elections held in 5 states of the nation.

Among the 5, Congress managed to form their government in 3 of the states. After the announcement of the 2019 General Elections, Congress party began its preparations with a new found confidence from the recent wins. How the 2019 elections turn out to be for Congress and how will the party perform is what our astrologers at Astroyogi have done a deep analysis of. Based on various aspects of astrology, here is the astrological point of view for the Congress party in accordance with the upcoming 2019 General Elections.

Astrological Analysis of Indian National Congress

Party Name – Indian National Congress
Date of re- establishment– 2nd January, 1978
Place – Delhi
Time – 11:59 am

According to the re – establishment date of the Indian National Congress, birth chart of the party indicates that Congress is of Pisces ascendant and Virgo sign. At present, there is Jupiter’s Mahadasha and Venus’s Antardasha in the birth chart of Congress which will create difficulties for the party in achieving any good results.

Along with this, there is an undergoing Yogini Mahadasha of Mars and this too suggests that the party will face problems in finding major success, although they will achieve minor ones. The minor successes will happen due to the presence of Jupiter in the 4th house. But the manoeuvre of Jupiter and Rahu in the upcoming general elections will make the party work hard for each success or they will end with nothing on their plate. Since, Rahul Gandhi or RaGa as he is popularly known is the current party president, a deep analysis of his birth chart unveils that there is presence of Rahu’s Mahadasha and Sade-Sati of Saturn. Also, Congress is going through a phase of Saturn’s Dhaiya which does not allow a smooth period of time and causes events to fall out of place at the last minute. Rahu’s predicament state over Rahul and that of Jupiter over Congress create unfavourable outcomes for both. All of these aspects indicate negative times for the party and such circumstances create barriers in the way to success which might be the case for Congress in the upcoming elections.

Conclusively, the 2019 elections are not going to be a cake walk for the Congress party and they might face tough competition from the opposition, mainly BJP. At the end of it all, congress may end up getting mixed results for them in the upcoming general elections.

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