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Leo Horoscope 2018

Luck shall follow you wherever you go, while you navigate through the year 2018, Leo. The lord of your zodiac stands as the year’s ascendant, presenting you with countless opportunities to receive the blessings you so dearly deserve. Residing in your fourth house, you can expect waves of luck to attract plenty of favorable events in the months to come!

In the first quarter of the year, Mars will make some interesting transits that may send a few curveballs in your direction. Unnecessary stress may cause concerns, leaving you quite sour and blunt with your words. Be careful not to say something that you could regret later.

With the planet of action resting in Scorpio, you could experience a few upsets in your personal life but the intensity of this energy will move mountains in your career. When Mars transits to Sagittarius on March 7, you’ll see prosperous doors opening all around you, Leo. Start planning your investments in advance because this will be a time of great opportunity that you’ll want to take full advantage of!

Jupiter retrogrades just a few days later, adjusting its rotation in the third house from your sign. Leo may be unsuspectingly struck by a lazy streak that causes you to procrastinate a lot more frequently than you should. This shift in direction could impact those lucky stars that carried you through the first quarter. Instead of getting frustrated by the way things are working out, trust that this phase is only temporary – it will soon be behind you, dear friend.

In the second quarter of 2018, you’ll need to exert some additional effort to overcome the trials that may present themselves when Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius. Pay special attention to the relationship you’ve built with your children. This retrograde may call you to enforce some of the lessons you’ve instilled in them in the past to guarantee they progress in alignment with their potential – and your grand expectations!

On May 2, Mars transits to Capricorn, which shines a special light on your lucky sixth house. Leo can look forward to a flood of favor and fortune to shower over anything you touch. Just be sure to look before you leap when Mars retrogrades at the end of June. With the lucky wave, you’ve been riding, you could become so caught up in the blessings being poured into your life that you miss some important details that could put a halt to your plans.

At the start of the third quarter, Jupiter returns progressive in your house of courage and will. You’ll roar like a mighty lion while you’re moving with the strength and encouragement that this transit brings. High spirits will have your creative juices flowing stronger than ever before. This will be yet another lucky time that spreads good vibes on various areas of your life – especially in matters of the heart!

With renewed love or a new relationship on the horizon, you’ll be even more excited about the way Mars’ return progressive on August 31 blesses your professional life too. Expect to travel through some enriching new experiences at work, Leo. You’re a natural born leader and all your birth-given talents and skills will be called into action during this transit.

In the last quarter of 2018, you’ll set off to soar to new heights. When Saturn goes direct in Sagittarius on September 9, life will thrust you into the next stages of a special plan you’ve held close to your heart. Whether you’re looking to add a new member to your family or expanding your financial portfolio, the planets will be aligned to nurture whatever seeds you’ve planted in fertile soil.

As you adjust to the effects of Saturn’s shift, Jupiter transits to Scorpio in mid-October which will clear the path between the past and present, giving Leo the opportunity to end the year with major advancements. To be sure you’re travelling down the most beneficial roads, be sure to move with the wisdom you’ve gained over the years – it’ll help guide you toward a prosperous future, dear Leo!

Progress in your career will cause you to excel in various financial domains. Remember, strong moves lead to even stronger gains, my friend. Since experience is the best teacher, you can expect to end the year with a wealth of wisdom that creates plenty of auspicious opportunities that’ll carry you into next year!

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