























Cancer Zodiac Sign

Sign Date 21/6 - 22/7
Lucky Color White,Pale,Yellow
Lucky Gemstone Moonstone
Lucky Day Tuesday,Thursday
Symbol The Crab
Lucky Number 2,7
Ruling Planet Moon
Compatible Zodiac Sign Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

About Cancer Sign

Hello, dear Cancerians! Symbolized by the crab and governed by the Moon, the natives of the Cancer zodiac sign are known for being in tune with emotions. They are willing to do anything to protect themselves, especially emotionally. They only let down their guard in front of people they trust.

Cancer natives, born between 21st June and 22nd July, are sentimental, tender, protective, and emotional. As the first water sign and the fourth sign of the zodiac, these individuals are governed by their intuition.

So, let's learn about the Cancer zodiac sign’s characteristics and which zodiac signs they are the most compatible with.

What Is The Cancer Sign?

Cancer, the fourth zodiac sign, originates from the constellation of Cancer. This is known to span from 90° to 120° celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the Sun typically transits this part between the 21st of June and the 22nd of July. In astronomy, this constellation can be found in the Northern sky between Gemini and Leo.

Once the Summer Solstice occurs, ushering in the longest and most sunny days, it's the Cancer season. Annually, the Summer Solstice marks the Sun's entrance into the fourth sign of the zodiac, the nurturing Cancer.

  • The Element of Cancer Sign- Water
  • Nature- Negative
  • Modality- Cardinal

Moon, the celestial body ruling Cancer, has the ability to guide people’s intuition, emotions, instincts, and a sense of security. These signs are wired to caring for people in their lives and an excellent understanding of people’s emotions and their hearts.

The cardinal water sign, Cancer, is deeply intuitive and sensitive, making it one of the toughest zodiac signs to navigate. People born under this sign are renowned for their ability to navigate the material and emotional realms.

As the Moon rules, they are known to be creative, moody, insightful, and empathetic. Thanks to the Moon, their internal mysteries and moods are believed to be deepened by the phases of the Lunar cycle. It can cause patterns of emotions that are beyond their control.

Like the fellow water signs, Scorpio and Pisces, Cancerians are heavily guided by their hearts and emotions. They are incredibly empathetic to the suffering of others. Being a cardinal sign, Cancerians always look at the bigger picture when making plans. They can think creatively and ambitiously, which makes them very good at initiating bold plans.

What Are The Personality Traits Associated with The Cancer Sign?

Compassionate, tenacious, loyal, imaginative, emotional, and often sweet are some ways to define a Cancerian. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on or care packages to make you feel better, Cancerians are the people to turn to.

Let's examine the Cancer traits and characteristics that make these individuals stand out.

Positive Cancer Traits One Must Know

  • Since the maternal and emotional Moon greatly influences Cancer's personality, these folks prioritize the people around them to make their lives more comfortable and delightful. Not only do they care for humans, but they also deeply care for their plants and pets. Cancerians will always be up for anything to make their loved ones feel special and secure.
  • The Cancer sign is typically associated with sensitive, security-seeking, and nurturing characteristics. Ruled by the Moon, these natives reflect the themes associated with the Fourth House, which focuses on family, domestic lives, traditions, and home. This is why Cancerians are domestically inclined. Their lives revolve around their family.
  • At first, the Crabs of the zodiac can be perceived as guarded, cold, and distant. This is because, much like Crabs, the Cancerians keep themselves shielded by their hard external shells. Cancer individuals are protective of their inner selves. They reveal their gentle nature and compassion over time. It takes a while for them to become comfortable with others.
  • Cancerians are life-loving. This water sign is associated with sentimentality. They are known to appreciate the simple pleasures in life, such as food and spending time with their loved ones.
  • As Cancerians are ruled by the Moon, this planet represents self-care, self-protection, and maternal energies. They put in a lot of effort and time to create safe spaces that can be their personal haven, wherein they can spend a lot of their time.
  • The Crabs of the zodiac are known to have a strong sense of intuition, which is why they can tell when someone is acting strangely. This is why they have a great understanding of other people's needs and can best comprehend the feelings of others. Their intuitive nature often offers them psychic abilities, which is why they can easily pick up the energies in a room. They are highly sensitive to their environments, as they often pick up on subtle cues.
  • Known for being highly emotional and sensitive, Cancerians will always prioritize matters related to their family and home. Loyal to the core, they will always show up for their family members and friends.
  • Cancerians attract romantic partners and friends quite easily through their loyalty, emotional depth, and commitment. The Crabs love enjoying and entertaining others with comfort food, making them excellent hosts.
  • Cancerians don't shy away from working hard to get the job done. They perform better independently while focusing totally on the work they are doing. For Cancerians, financial stability and job security are of great significance, which is why they are diligent workers.
  • Cancer's traits are such that they are cautious about spending their finances all at once. Instead, they focus on accumulating wealth, saving, investing, and watching their investments grow. Thanks to their resourcefulness, they are good at handling finances and time.

Negative Cancer Traits One Must Know

Like all individuals, Cancerians also have some less-than-good qualities. Let's dive into them.

  • As mentioned above, the Cancer zodiac sign's characteristics are such that they deeply care about their loved ones. This often leads them to adopt nurturer and care-giving roles. But when Cancerians invest in people emotionally, they usually can blur the line between caring and controlling behavior. They can overstep boundaries, which can cause arguments. Additionally, their excessive possessiveness can make the other person feel confined.
  • Cancerians are prone to moodiness. This is why these sweet fellows can snap at you and shock you with their insensitive remarks. They can also easily get offended or hurt.
  • Cancerians have a reputation for withdrawing inside their shells. They could come off as cold, disinterested, and distant because they often bottle up their emotions. This could lead them to cut off people from their lives without any justification.
  • Cancers can be nitpicky and have a strong memory for who said what, when, and how. This is the reason a Cancerian can harbor resentment. They remember who hurt them even after many years.
  • Cancerians have strong emotions. While having emotions is healthy, having no control over them can become a problem. They can get swept away by their intense emotions, which can be difficult for people around them to deal with. Due to their emotions, they can often get downcast or melodramatic.
  • Cancerians find it challenging to trust their partners. They can often become jealous in their relationships. These anxieties stem from Cancerians' desire to protect their heart and not get hurt.
  • Cancerians prefer familiarity and routine, so they can be quite stubborn about change. Thus, they can also be close-minded when others suggest new ideas.

How Are Cancer Natives in Love And Relationships?

The Cancer folks are sensual, sensitive, and caring lovers/partners. They have a lot of love to offer, as they have dreamt of their fairy tale partner and happily ever after since childhood.

However, Cancerians are often shy at first. It takes a while for them to come out of their shell and show them their true personality. This is why you need to be patient if you are courting a Cancerian.

For the folks belonging to the Cancer sign, security is a must in a relationship. Hence, they are never inclined to casually date or go out with multiple people at once. They prefer to build deep and emotional connections, so they don't let their guard down initially. They also take time to fall in love and let someone into their life. However, they are passionate, vulnerable, and devoted once they trust someone.

Cancerians are also often traditional and conservative. They may hesitate to take the initiative or want to be pursued, as they want to be sure the other person likes them.

Cancerians enjoy taking care of others. They are always concerned about their partners' desires above their own. Their intuition allows them to be gentle with their loved ones. They also desire to feel needed by their partners, which is why they fiercely protect and defend them. In return, they just want attention, kind words, and subtle gestures. Cancerians are loyal and devoted to their relationships, making them loving long-term partners.

Cancerians don't believe in portraying superficial love or emotions. When they are in a relationship, they make sure their beloved is submerged in the deep and true force of their feelings.

Although the Crabs of the zodiac can be moody and clingy, they are also generous partners, wanting to share their life with someone. Even if the relationship runs into rough waters, they will try everything they can to salvage it. If you want a lasting relationship with a Cancerian, you must be respectful, loyal, and honest. Cancerians do not easily forget any betrayal.

People belonging to the Cancer sign not only value romantic bonds but also value family bonds and give importance to their domestic life like no other sign. Known to be sentimental, they cherish their memories with their family, preserving them carefully.

This is why they make excellent, understanding, and caring parents when they choose to have their own families. They have a knack for understanding their children's emotions quite easily.

Cancer Compatibility: How Does This Water Sign Pair with The 12 Zodiac Signs?

Which type of a person is the most compatible with Cancer’s personality? Which sign can win a Cancerian over?

Super intuitive and emotionally mature, the natives of the Cancer sign are able to build strong connections with people. They follow their gut feelings when it comes to relationships. However, Cancerians' emotions can have ups and downs; sometimes, they want to be around you constantly, and in one minute, they can withdraw into their shell.

But, this sign’s devotion and loyalty is something you can’t question. If a Cancerian has picked you, they are with you for life, no matter what.

Let’s find out how each zodiac sign gets along with the Cancer zodiac sign.

Cancer And Aries Compatibility

Cancer is a sign known for being emotional and sentimental, whereas Aries is assertive and impulsive, so Cancer's sensitivity can often conflict with Aries' fast-paced and competitive persona. Cancerians and Ariens can often have intense arguments.

Both Cancer and Aries have different outlooks on life. Their relationship can only thrive when both are willing to embrace each other's differences and grow as individuals and as a unit. If they try to change each other, it will only cause significant problems. Flexibility and compromise will be needed.

Cancer And Taurus Compatibility

When Taurus and Cancer get together, it's perfection. These two form the most easy-going relationship. Taureans' slow and security-offering personality matches Cancerians' loving homebody personality. The Crabs offer the attention that the Bulls need, and the Bulls keep the Crabs emotionally grounded.

Both signs value each other's strong desire for security. These two folks are loyal and committed to each other once they have entered a relationship. They will be comfortable in each other's presence. Their relationship will be a throwback to the old-school romance.

Cancer And Gemini Compatibility

When Gemini and Cancer come together, there can be some friction. Cancer is the zodiac's mother who is affectionate and sometimes overtly. This can feel like clinginess to the free-spirited Geminis. Geminis need space and don't like the feeling of being possessed by others.

Moreover, these two zodiac neighbors approach life differently and have different temperaments. Cancer is a sensitive sign that is more comfortable at home, whereas Gemini is a restless yet social sign that can make anyone their own with their charm. Both, however, are fun-loving and can have similar interests, which can make them good friends.

Cancer And Cancer Compatibility

When two Crabs come together, domestic bliss can be achieved at lightning speed. They will both be set to pour their hearts out to create a meaningful bond and have a cozy existence together. Two Cancerians will offer each other the emotional support they need.

Sensitive and nurturing, the Crabs will feel safe and secure in each other's care. They will show up for each other and prioritize family and love over anything else. However, Cancerians can get swept up in melodrama and emotions. Their changing emotions can create an overtly sensitive dynamic, negatively affecting the relationship. So, they have to work on this aspect.

Cancer And Leo Compatibility

Leos are known for their fiery energy and confidence, which is why they can motivate Cancerians to leave their self-doubt behind. The dynamic and optimistic Leo can bring positive energy into a Cancerian's life that can help them balance their occasional blues. Cancerians can shower Leo with sweet words, which the Leos will love.

Leos and Cancerians are loyal and tend to be completely in love, making them a natural pair, even if they have opposite natures. Even if the natives' personalities differ massively, it's their passion and romance that will keep them together.

Cancer And Virgo Compatibility

When Virgo and Cancer come together, they can make a harmonious bond. Both are service-oriented, so they are delighted to help others. They are honest with each other and loyal to the relationship. Cancerians will admire Virgos' intellectual level. The Crabs can help their Virgo partner to get in sync with their intuition.

Virgos and Cancerians make great friends because they can benefit from each other's unique qualities. When this friendship is translated into a seamless connection, the relationship has the potential to stand the test of time. Cancerians and Virgos can have an instant emotional connection because they both will be excited to meet someone who knows how to give in a relationship, not just take.

Cancer And Libra Compatibility

On the surface, Cancer and Libra can be a romantic couple. These two cardinal signs love creating a beautiful domestic life and enjoy the pleasures that come from a relationship. They are both relationship-oriented, which can make them devoted to the relationship. However, Cancer's personality and Libra's personality are very different.

As an air sign, Libra tends to be more intellectually charged and is a social sign. They are optimistic, whereas Cancerians are sensitive, and their moods fluctuate greatly. Cancerians follow their hearts over their head, whereas Libra natives are intellectually inclined in their relationships. Cancerians will want a deeper commitment than what Libra can offer. So, they both need to communicate to make the relationship work.v

Cancer And Scorpio Compatibility

One can expect good things when two water signs come together with deeply complementary natures. Scorpio and Cancer will set the stage for natural and well-matched pairings. The natives of these signs are sensitive and intuitive. Scorpios and Cancerians can enjoy profound emotions in their relationships, leading to an intimacy that only some couples can dream about.

Cancerians' loyalty and attachment in their relationships are perfectly suited for Scorpio's possessiveness. However, control and jealousy will be big challenges for their relationship. The good thing is that they can always find their way to each other and make up.

Cancer And Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius and Cancer are cut from different cloths, which is why when these two come together, it doesn't make much sense to spectators. The Sagittarians are free-spirited, whereas Cancerians need consistency. The Sagittarians are restless travelers who live for freedom. They may feel smothered if they lose out on freedom. On the other hand, Cancerians rule the home and love to keep their loved ones close to them.

The Archers may have trouble dealing with Cancer's moodiness. They may also not be able to satisfy Cancer's need for togetherness, which may cause insecurities in Cancerians. The combination of the Archer's anger and the Crab's moodiness can be catastrophic. This relationship can only work when both parties can balance freedom, reassurance, and security.

Cancer And Capricorn Compatibility

Despite being opposites in temperament, a romantic relationship between Cancerians and Capricorns can work if they both try. They can make the bond work by balancing each other, or they will end up frustrating each other; there's no in-between.

Cancerians love affection and emotionally naked conversations. On the other hand, Capricorns are formal and pragmatic. They may see Cancer's feelings as melodramas. Cancerians allow their feelings to drive their ambitions and actions, but Capricorns reach their goals with the help of their pragmatism and hardworking nature. The good thing about Cancerians and Capricorns is that they never shy away from putting in the work to create a lasting relationship.

Cancer And Aquarius Compatibility

Combining the air and water signs is not a great idea as it can be unpredictable. The nurturing and family-oriented Cancerians are rooted in traditions, whereas the innovative Aquarius always wants to escape conventions. The cool Aquarians don't need much affection, whereas Cancerians need assurance and affection in their relationship.

Moreover, Aquarius sign may appear as aloof and emotionally detached to a Cancerian. Their comments can end up hurting a Cancerian's feelings. Cancerians may also feel that revealing too much might lead to them getting judged by Aquarians. Idealistic Aquarius and the emotional Cancerians are not on the same page at all. No wonder that these two signs together can make an awkward pairing.

Cancer And Pisces Compatibility

Pisces and Cancer are highly successful together. These two can bring the best out of each other. Pisceans are artistic, dreamy, and emotional, and they can help Cancerians channel their overwhelming emotions into a healthy outlet. Both signs are compassionate and will be great at soothing each other. They can bring sincerity to the relationship.

Romance and loyalty will be important aspects of your connection. Both the signs will manage to absorb each other's fluctuating moods. Cancerians and Pisceans can achieve anything together, so this relationship can be a rewarding experience.

Do you still have questions about the Cancer zodiac sign's characteristics?

If so, consult with India's best astrologers online on Astroyogi and get all your queries about the Cancer sign answered.


What type of person is a Cancerian?

People born under the Cancer zodiac sign (From 21st June to 22nd July) are known for their emotional depth and sensitivity. Notable for being nurturing and protective, they often prioritize the emotional well-being of others over their own. Their home and family are essential to them. They also have a good sense of intuition. Loyalty is another important aspect of their personality.

At the same time, Cancerians are cautious about revealing their true feelings. They only do so with people they trust and are sure will respect their emotional openness. Due to their deep emotional nature, Cancerians can also be quite moody.

If you need to know more about Cancer’s personality, connect with the astrologers at Astroyogi.

Do Cancerians hide their feelings?

The Cancer natives are sentimental, sensitive, and emotional. So, they often protect their inner vulnerabilities and conceal their emotions until they feel safe. They also typically open up to people they deeply trust.

Overall, Cancerians don't inherently hide their feelings; however, they approach emotional expression with caution. The possibility of emotional rejection can make them hesitant to express their true emotions. This is why they prefer to share their feelings with people they feel secure with. They only share their emotions when they are sure that they will be met with understanding.

Who vibes with Cancers?

Typically, fellow water signs, i.e., Pisces and Scorpio, are compatible with Cancer. They harmonize well with Cancer's emotional waves. Apart from the water signs, the earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn can also be worthy companions if both parties put in the work and understand each other.

However, compatibility can vary even within these pairings due to life experiences and other astrological factors. So, it's best to get the guidance of an Astroyogi astrologer to know how the relationship will turn out in the future.

Is Cancer a lucky sign?

The Cancer sign has many unique qualities, such as emotional intelligence, intuitive capabilities, protective nature, etc., but at the same time, the natives can face their share of challenges. This is because the idea of luck and being lucky can vary from one Cancerian to another depending on their individual horoscopes, life circumstances, and personal choices.

Therefore, while some aspects of the Cancer personality might lead them to fortunate outcomes, calling Cancer a lucky zodiac sign would be an oversimplification.

If you are a Cancerian and want to know if luck is on your side, contact the astrologers on Astroyogi and get your horoscope analyzed.

Consult India's top expert astrologers online right here! For details click here!
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