Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation

Chakra Meditation may sound foreign to many who are new to meditation techniques. This meditation tradition originated in ancient India several thousands of years ago. The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit, which means a ‘wheel’ or a ‘disk’. You got the hint! The Chakra Meditation deals with the transfer of energy wheels throughout our bodies. According to Hindu tradition, there are many chakras (energy centers) in the body but 7 among them are the core chakras within the body. These key chakras follow the spine from the base of the backbone to the crown of the head. Each of these key chakras is regarded as the focal point connecting our physical, emotional and spiritual energies.

What Is Chakra Meditation?

The Chakra meditation is aimed at keeping the body’s seven core chakras - centers of energy. This mediation includes visualization and chanting a specific mantra for each chakra (lam, vam, ram, yam, ham, om). Each of the seven chakras has a significant individual function that corresponds to manage the flow of energy in our body and mind

Here’s The Seven Key Chakras Of The Human Body That You Need To Know:-

  1. The Root Chakra also known as ‘Muladhara’ is located at the base of our spine. It controls our connection with the outer world and runs your basic fundamental needs for food, shelter and stability. The mantra for the Root chakra is Lam and its base color is red.

  2. The Sacral Chakra, also called ‘Svadhisthana’, is located below your navel. It governs your reproductive organs and your imagination. This chakra intimately connects your creative process. Its mantra is Vam and its base color is orange.

  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra aka ‘Manipura’ lies on your stomach right above the navel area. Besides aiding your digestive system, this chakra also maintains your mental and spiritual wellbeing. Manipura’s mantra is Ram and the color yellow its base.

  4. The Heart Chakra or ‘Anahata’ lies right at the center of your chest. Hence, it corresponds to organs such as the heart, lungs, thymus gland and cardiac plexus. An unbalanced or closed Anahata could make individuals have unpleasant personalities such as jealousy, hatred, grief and anger. The heart chakra’s mantra is Yam and its color is green.

  5. The Throat Chakra, also known as the ‘Visshuddha’, lies within the throat and honors the communication and expression. Its mantra is Ham and its base color is blue.

  6. The Third Eye Chakra or ‘Ajna’ is located on our forehead between the eyebrows. This chakra governs our intuition and insights at the psychic level. Balancing the third eye chakra helps us understand the meaning of our true existence. Ajna’s mantra is Sham and its color is indigo.

  7. The Crown Chakra or ‘Sahasrara’ lies on top of the head. It governs the business aspects of all core chakras. When all your primary chakras are balanced, the crown chakra creates a powerful connection linking you to the outer world. Its mantra is the powerful Om and its color is white or purple. 

The Science Of Chakra Meditation?

Science may not have been able to prove the existence of chakras in our body and its healing properties, but there’s no denying that there are energies that keep functioning our bodies. These energy systems deal with the energy flow through the body to clear the blockages that are thought to disturb our physical and emotional health. 

How To Perform Chakra Meditation?

Whether you are a beginner or having trouble practicing Chakra Meditation, a guided meditation for chakras should help you. Here are some of the prerequisites for doing chakra meditation. 

  • The first step is to sit comfortably to indulge in an effective chakra meditation. Always sit with your spine upright, hands resting on the thighs and the palms facing the ceiling or the sky. Also, wear a loose and light cotton dress. 

  • Breathe the right way. Indulge in slow, deep and long inhalations and exhalations. Only a proper breathing will enable you to experience the vibration of the chakras.

  • Let your body relax completely and then start focusing. It doesn’t matter if your mind wanders in the beginning, allow it to gradually concentrate on your breathing pattern.  

  • Shape your palms into mudras (the appropriate hand pose/gesture) as per the chakras you are focusing. This will ensure the right energy flow. 

  • Next, you need to visualize the colors associated with the chakras as you chant the respective mantras.

  • Keep chanting the mantra for about 30 times or until you feel the color transition of the chakra.

  • Then start chanting the ‘Kundalini Arohanum’ (Awakening the Kundalini).

  • Do this until you feel the energy is surging you.

  • Wind up the meditation with Savasana (the corpse pose or sleeping pose of Yoga). As this is a very powerful meditation technique, it is therefore important to relax.

Benefits Of Chakra Meditation:- 

Done the right way, meditation for chakras can reap you heaps of benefits. We have listed some of the most significant benefits of chakra meditation.

  • Improves overall health and well being.

  • Increases memory, concentration and focus. 

  • It helps achieve a relaxed state of mind and better sleep quality.

  • It helps burn body fat and lose weight.

  • It decreases levels of anger and depression.

  • Increases creativity and productivity.

  • It lowers anxiety and stress levels. 

  • Brings a positive change in outlook in terms of the perception of behaviors and thought processes. 

  • Last but not the least, chakra meditation gives a heightened sense of self-worth, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Once all your chakras are unblocked and healed, they work together harmoniously to give the best benefits to your body. It nourishes your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual requirements. So why not restore your health with the powerful chakra meditation.


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