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Sagittarius Love Horoscope 2018

With so much emphasis being placed on your professional affairs, it’s important for Sagittarius to stay abreast of your personal desires as well. The luck that’s destined to carry you throughout 2018 isn’t limited only to your career; the planets are preparing you to experience a rich love connection as well.

First, you’ll need to overcome a brief estrangement with your partner when Mars transits to Scorpio on January 17. It’s advisable for you to consciously create more time for just you and your love. Place work demands to the side to cater to matters of the heart; it’s important to invest your energy in areas you wish to see flourish!

As Mars transits to Sagittarius on March 7, there’s a risk of conflicts with your partner. Work-related stress could trickle over into your relationship, creating a divide between the two of you.

Jupiter retrogrades just a few days later, making you feel oppressed by the turbulence happening in your personal life. Understand that every relationship must endure its share of ups and downs. The test of faith comes in when you choose to fight for your love, despite the way things may seem right now.

That perseverance will be put into action when Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius on April 18. If you and your partner haven’t evolved beyond your troubles by this point, don’t worry, things will get better eventually.

There’s a risk of feeling disconnected from siblings and friends too – this type of emotional stress can become overwhelming if you aren’t careful. Address the cause of these lingering problems as quickly as possible, so you can avoid allowing personal distractions to impede your progress at work. If you let everything come apart, you won’t be happy, Sagittarius – consider this a fair warning.

Love requires effort…and sometimes it needs an intervention from more than just the two parties who made the commitment. As Jupiter goes progressive on July 10, a weight may be lifted from your relationship thanks to the input of a third party. You never know who’s invested in your happiness, Sagittarius, take this as a sign from the cosmos proving that you and your lover are meant for each other.

Sagittarius can expect to receive some good news from their children around this time, too. Enjoy all the pleasant breakthroughs that the third quarter of the year has in store for you!

Saturn goes direct in Sagittarius at the beginning of September, relieving any ongoing conflicts with siblings or other relatives. Petty spats took over your relationships for far too long – it’s time to reconnect with the people you love.

You’ll also be pleased to witness the way your relationship with your partner improves during this time. It’s amazing to see how Saturn can teach you valuable lessons while creating lasting bonds on intimate levels.

Sagittarius lessons aren’t quite over yet. When Jupiter transits to Scorpio in mid-October, there’s a chance that you may have to end a relationship with a friend or relative who’s really close to you. Distance placed between you and someone who once held a sacred space in your heart isn’t necessarily a bad thing – it only means you’ve grown apart, for now.

Rather than concentrate on what you’ve lost, do your best to focus on the things you’ve gained through luck and love continue to guide you through the last quarter of the year. Mars transits to Aquarius in November, which may inspire Sagittarius to provide loving support to siblings or friends who require your assistance. Mars transits to Pisces at the close of the year, highlighting how much you’ve grown from the ups and downs you’ve endured in your personal relationships. The wisdom you’ve gained by fighting for your right to love will inspire you to cherish what you have as you enter the next year feeling confident in the abundant blessings you and your partner have yet to experience together!

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