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Leo Horoscope 2021

Monarch of the jungle, you jump into 2021 in victory mode with Venus in Sagittarius blessing you with bountiful opportunities. Financially, you may start off on a low ebb, but new offers and a thriving love life await you. You may also find fame. This is also a wonderful phase for those of you with an artistic inclination. Your inner seeker is activated and you look for growth and purpose. It’s important that you start 2021 with a focus on health – this should be a priority. 

By February, it will be effortless for you to forge new friendships and romantic alliances due to Venus moving into Aquarius on the 21st. You become a veritable magnet. There could be some challenges at work that will really test and push you. Chances are that a big part of the difficulties will stem from your lack of self-belief. Be your own best friend and have your own back; you are stronger than you think. It’s time for the Leo lion to soothe the inner kitten. March is a month that requires plenty of serenity as Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 11th. Things are stable and can be made even better if you put in the effort. Ensure that your commitment to good health is enduring.

By April, your hard work pays off in grand ways. You seem to have the Midas touch, transforming your career in inventive ways due to the intuitive and intelligent understanding of Mercury in Pisces, a transit that occurs on the 1st. There will be a financial loss and some rivalry or competition at work, which will bring out your best. It is even possible that you will fall for someone famous!

You should concentrate on work-related matters in the month of May. It is a good time for those seeking a change, or those who are unemployed. Venus in Taurus on May 4th brings stability and stillness to your nature which helps you settle in for the long haul. This is also a lovely time for romance and a gregarious partner may explode on the scene. Financially this is a great month and you will find yourself feeling excited and keyed up for what’s ahead. You may consider setting personal or professional goals. 

By July, you may need to address difficulties in your love life including little flairs of temper or quarrels thanks to Mars in Leo on the 20th. Addressing your ego and how it gets in your way may come up. This is a period for self-reflection and re-education.

In August you may experience a dip in finances as you spend more than you take in, but you ride over this quite easily with your innate Leo confidence. Relationship troubles will also be resolved effortlessly. The impact of Venus in Virgo on the 11th fine-tunes you to the little details you may have otherwise missed. September brings a hike in income but you must analyse your spending habits if you want to do well. 

In October, the planetary transit of Venus in Scorpio on the 2nd and Venus in Sagittarius on the 30th will auger well for you. Owning a new home is on the cards! As the year closes, your personal life will be smooth as silk and you will enjoy mental peace, which promotes good health. Your financial status may need a little tweaking. Tying all the loose ends together is how you will round off 2021. 

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Leo Love Horoscope 2021


Leo Career Horoscope 2021


Leo Finance Horoscope 2021


Leo Family Horoscope 2021

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