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Cancer Career Horoscope 2017

You are wanting to make some changes in your career this year, Cancer. This could be a small change, such as moving to a larger office, or a large change, such as finding a new job. These changes won't come easily, my crusty friend. Around September 9, when Rahu moves to Cancer, you are going to feel like you are being tested when it comes to career issues. You will feel overwhelmed, as if there are just too many obstacles to overcome. Your nature is to hide from obstacles and not approach the situation directly, as the Crab always approaches from the side. If you retrain your instinct and attempt to tackle the problem directly, you will see positive results.


Don't wait until last minute; make the difficult phone calls and write the necessary emails. Face the problem head-on and by December 4, when Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius, you will finally make the change. It will improve your career drastically, and you may see some jealousy from colleagues. Don't listen to any gossip; Smile boldly and enjoy your rewards.

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Cancer Horoscope 2017

2017 is a good year to concentrate on what's most important to you, Cancer:  the comforts of domesticity, family and friends. You will find great surprises and ...


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Cancer Finance Horoscope 2017

This year will bring you a few money fluctuations, my friend, and you will simply have to ride with the tide for a while. Don't fret; however, the Universe is o...


Cancer Health Horoscope 2017

Health this year for you, Cancer, is all about stress reduction. The first part of the year, around January 26, when Saturn moves into Sagittarius, you will beg...

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