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Virgo Career Horoscope 2016

Your forecast for 2016 suggests a steady rise in your career during the year. It is not so much that you can expect any dramatic events, but your reliable nature will see you advancing at a steady pace, enhanced at times by extra periods of innovation and higher than usual levels of communication. That is, if you can overcome the challenges of the first few months!

With the Sun in Capricorn from January 15th, it will be your natural charm and likeable personality that will be the key to the success that will boost your career for months to come, so do not be afraid to be yourself, but be diplomatic too.

February might be difficult, as Mercury is in Capricorn and can cause your office plans to fail at a time when others might be paying attention. Your reputation will be at stake, and you will need to stay alert to make sure you do everything you can to recover from a mistake. Venus enters Capricorn on the 12th, balancing the work situation and bringing an opportunity to prove yourself worthy. Take your shot, and show them what you got!

March and April can also be a difficult time at work for you Virgo, with the Sun moving through Pisces and then into Aries – both of which can cause a sort of haze over your mind, leaving you with less focus at work. The best way to conquer this is to get a change of environment that will help you to break the mold. Take a short trip, or even consider just changing up your routine.

The situation is only temporary, and by June your career will be plain sailing. Venus and the Sun both enter Cancer in July, and elevate you to new heights – your confidence will be at an all time high, and you should ride with it and take on new projects. If you do, you will impress both your seniors and your colleagues, and will be well recognized as an extremely valuable asset.

As long as you keep your words in check, and find ways to get along and get around people who confront you, your career will continue to advance; you have made your mark, and now it is all about putting the work in and enjoying the stability that your job is bringing.

Virgo who are involved in their own business ventures or investments can enjoy exceptional prosperity from all directions this year.

Examples of particular powerful times to invest include May, June, and July, when Venus makes its movements between Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer, bringing luck and payouts all the way. If you already have investments down at this time you may find that you double your money! If not, now is a good time to lay down the foundations for a big profit in the future.

Exciting times in your work life Virgo! First you will have to prove yourself, then you will enjoy the affection of others in the office, and then you will have to be diplomatic and communicative in order to earn your stability. You will get there in the end you can be sure! Click here to get a more detailed and personalised 2016 reading

Virgo Horoscope 2016

Life wouldn't be so much fun without a challenge wouldn't you agree Virgo? The year 2016 is full of them, but it is also full of joy, laughter, and advancement ...


Virgo Love Horoscope 2016

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Virgo Finance Horoscope 2016

Financially, it looks like you will be in a better position than usual this year Virgo, especially if you have your own business or investment ventures on the g...


Virgo Health Horoscope 2016

Virgo, you may experience stress resulting from pressure at work in February. Be sure to take time to yourself, and balance your life in order to relax and be h...

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