No one else has walked in your shoes. Your life is unique and it can be said with absolute confidence that you will not be having the personality that you had when you were a teenager. However, in astrology and numerology, there are birth numbers which can determine the qualities, good and bad of the individuals born under the particular dates which can effectively help them or their loved ones. Let’s take a look at the Birth numbers one by one:
Birth Number One: Individuals who are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of any month fall under this category. They are true show-offs and love to be the boss all the time. Most of the natives are arrogant, masculine and want to be the centre of attraction of whatever exhibition is taking place. They crave attention and will throw fits and tantrums just to receive it. However, they are also very generous to people they love and are very protective of their loved ones. Number ones may be too serious in bed but once they let their guard down, they can be really creative. Sunday is their best day of the week usually. They feel a connection with those born under the zodiac sign Leo.
Birth Number Two: Individuals who are born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th of any month fall under this category. Individuals in this category are very tactful and they love to caress and be caressed. Be it a male or female, they adore a perfect physical appearance of the opposite gender’s body and they require this in their partner to fall head over heels in love. They also love to be dominated to a certain extent. Nevertheless, they are quite moody and can fall into depressions and be melancholic. They possess an imaginative passion for matters in the bed and also feel a connection with those born under the sign Cancer. Monday is their best day of the week.
Birth Number Three: Individuals who are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of any month fall under this category. They are suave, smart and very smooth. Both sexes enjoy travelling, foreign locations, various cultures and go berserk over talking about exotic places. They are the soul of the party wherever they go and bring life to it. Being very good at conversations, they love the limelight and are extremely sexual individuals and have a lot of competition in them. They are open to ideas in the bedroom and have a connection with those born under the sign Sagittarius. Thursday is the best day of the week for them.
Birth Number Four: Individuals who are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st of any month fall under this category. These individuals are great listeners and empathetic to the people they meet. During their younger years, they would be lacking confidence and often underestimate themselves. Whereas when they are older, they are wiser and possess vision, insight and intuition hence are potential revolutionaries. They have this natural capability of making people feel calm around them. They can be excellent counsellors, teachers and guides. They also have an affinity towards Aquarians and their best day is Sunday.
Birth Number Five: Individuals who are born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month fall under this category. The individuals on these dates are people of variety to almost each and everything in their life. They are smart at being creative and developing new ideas for making money that can be even through the wrong methods or getting rich quick. They are absolutely crazy about being clean and keeping their surrounding clean. They are very casual people who cannot maintain long-term relationships. They feel a connection with people from the sign of Gemini or Virgo. Wednesday is their lucky day.
Birth Number Six: Individuals who are born on the 6th, 15th, 24th of any month fall under this category. They are individuals who will adapt anywhere and everywhere as long as they receive the attention they seek. Accomplished conversationalists and charming are the certain stand out qualities of these individuals. They have a significant craving and need for security, balance and harmony as these are the necessities for their well being. Natives are known to be kind, considerate, sensual, romantic and sentimental as well. When financially secure, they can be the best of lovers while being extremely whiny if they are in the opposite situation. They associate quite well with people from Libra and Taurus. Friday is their happy day.
Birth Number Seven: Individuals who are born on the 7th, 16th, 25th of any month fall under this category. A debate is their highlight. They can debate for hours on the rights and wrongs of the world and have a serious passion to help those who are less fortunate. They are philosophical, artistic and musical which can take them to heights. However, they tend to be easily hurt by gossips and sarcasm and even thoughtless actions of others. They are gentle and imaginative as well which can even lead them to an addiction of abusive things. People born under Pisces will find quite a connection with number sevens and Monday is their best day of the week.
Birth Number Eight: Individuals who are born on the 8th, 17th, 26th of any month fall under this category. Dressed to slay always, they never look out of place. They always somehow act more mature for their age whilst even looking younger as they grow older. They are career oriented and strong-willed individuals who will achieve what they set their mind to. An adaptable, systematic and logical thinker is who they are. Capricorn born individuals can be their best buddies or worst nightmares. Saturday is their happiest day.
Birth Number Nine: Individuals who are born on the 9th, 18th, 27th of any month fall under this category. Disputation is in their blood. They will debate each and everything to their satisfaction. Admitting that they are wrong or misinformed is not who they are. Quite unapproachable yet mind stimulating company otherwise. They possess the knowledge, experience which always goes a long way for them. Developing their communication skills will help them a lot. These individuals have an affinity for people of Aries and Scorpio. Tuesday is the best day of the week for them.