A Mixed Bag of Spirituality, Love, And Money This Month: Will The Tarot Card Reading for April Be Positive for You?

Fri, Mar 31, 2023
Tarot Sonia
  By Tarot Sonia
Fri, Mar 31, 2023
Team Astroyogi
  By Tarot Sonia
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A Mixed Bag of Spirituality, Love, And Money This Month: Will The Tarot Card Reading for April Be Positive for You?

Already the fourth month of 2023! Are you ready to make the most of April? A new month is the best time to realize your potential and reach your goals. Eager to know how this month will pan out? If YES, this Tarot monthly horoscope prediction is for you! Go on and check it out!

April 2023 adds up to the number 11, a Karmic number. This is why it is not summed up further or rounded off to a single-digit number. Only a few Karmic numbers exist in Numerology and Astrology that connect us with the Karma Theory and our past lives. As your soul depends upon your Soul Age, you would be either a 'New Soul' with a lesser number of births or an 'Old Soul' with probably hundreds of births already. 

Hence, this month will be instrumental for your respective journey in life, according to the Tarot predictions for April 2023. This month will not only cause a lot of catharsis and cleansing of energies but also bring up buried thoughts and emotions at the surface from the deep oceans of your subconscious mind that has the data and imprints saved from all your past lifetimes. 

Need clarity in life? Or do you need guidance? Consult with the Tarot readers on Astroyogi now. 

What Do The Tarot Cards Say for April Month? 

As per the Tarot reading for April, let's look at how the various zodiac signs will be able to cope with their Karmas and their impact. Along with the Tarot April month prediction, you will find unique remedies that will be beneficial for you. The Tarot deck used for the Tarot reading for April is the Osho Neo - Tarot deck. 

Tarot Aries Horoscope 

The Awareness and Transformation Tarot Cards suggest that your Prarabdha Karma is improving bit by bit. It can be further enhanced with more charity, donations, and giving back to society. Your deep emotions will get healed; thus, you will feel a heavy rock lifted from your chest and enjoy deep relaxation. This is all because you will shed the excess baggage. 

  • Career  

The Prayer Card in the Tarot deck suggests that there might be some rough patches when it comes to your job or business in April. You have been working hard. However, these challenging situations can arise due to the change of bosses. You may have to face some unwanted office politics. Stay calm, do not react, and go with the flow, as per the Tarot Aries Horoscope. 

  • Relationship 

The misuse of the Power Card here tells us that people in a relationship can try to manipulate or dominate you, and this will be nothing but a play of power. Dear Ariens, please try to keep the remote control of your life in your own hands this month and try to be emotionally strong.  

  • Family 

For the Tarot reading for the family aspect of your life, the Play Card tells you to keep playing the game of life without getting caught up in overthinking or getting hurt. It is the closest people who hurt us; however, always remember these emotions and situations are temporary.  

  • Business 

When it comes to business, it does not look promising for you this month, and the Tarot cards warn you against any harsh or impulsive decisions. The Ultimate Accident Card suggests that you don't make any big decisions this month, and it will be better to postpone it for a while. Get to know more about the Aries sign here.

Remedy- Make donations and involve yourself in charity work.  

Tarot Taurus Horoscope

The Challenge Card indicates that one of your past life relationships is getting healed in this lifetime. The clue is that the relationship in this lifetime is already more than three years. Remember that anything more than three years comes from the past or previous lifetime, as per the Karma Theory. Hence there is all the more reason you must resolve it to get closure.   

  • Career 

Dear Taureans, you will have a wonderful month when it comes to your career and finance as the Wholeness Card has been pulled out. As per the Tarot Taurus Horoscope, this card ensures abundance, success, professional excellence, and victory in all your professional endeavors. 

  • Relationship 

The Compassion Card has come out from the Tarot deck, and it suggests that you must demonstrate a lot of patience and compassion when dealing with your loved ones. No one is perfect, and we all have our shortcomings. But with love and support, your relationships can certainly evolve to the next level.  

  • Family  

The Osho Card, also the number 1 card of the card deck, shows the blessings in your family life this month. April will be the picture-perfect month for Taureans when it comes to their family lives, with harmony and synchronicity flowing into their lives. 

  • Business 

The Worry and Anxiety Card suggests that there will be some business tensions and disputes. If you are in a partnership business, there might be differences of opinion and clashes amongst the business partners. However, with the suggested remedy, things will undoubtedly be better. Get to know more about the Taurus sign here.

Remedy- Chant the 'Om' Mantra on all the chakras.  

Tarot Gemini Horoscope   

Dear Geminis, you have a Soul Purpose Card, so you will be suddenly guided toward your life's purpose or your soul's purpose, which is also your true calling. For the first time, you will gravitate toward what resonates with your heart. Follow your heart and do not worry about the resources. Just surrender and pay attention to what needs to be done, not how, as the universe will take care of that bit.  

  • Career 

Dear Geminis, the Tarot cards show that you will likely get involved in some romantic fling or affair at work. The Intimacy Card shows a Love affair at the place of work. It is best recommended to stay away from such associations as they can create more problems than offer solace. 

  • Relationship 

The Celebration Card has come up, and it indicates that many of you will be taking your relationships to the next level of commitment. Many Geminis may get engaged or even decide on getting married right away, as per the Tarot Gemini horoscope. 

  • Family 

You are advised to shed all your ego and anger as that might create great trouble and restlessness. By following this advice, you can have a peaceful family life. Drop your preconceived ideas and notions, and do not be rigid. 

  • Business  

The Work and Worship Card signifies that you will be working very hard this month, and business will boom. It's a good month for revenue; hence time to pull up your socks and burn the midnight oil. Get to know more about the Gemini sign here.

Remedy- Offer your services or work as a volunteer in any religious or spiritual organization or NGO.  

Tarot Cancer Horoscope

The Tarot Cards, like Therapy and Goals Cards, suggest that Cancerians will inquire into their past life regressions. A few of you might also look up your Akashic Records Readings and explore your future life regressions. This knowledge can always work as a reference tool for planning your future goals and vision. 

  • Career 

Dear Cancerians, you must avoid arguments or heated debates at your place of work if you do not wish to repent later. The Anger Card tells us that some scenarios may drive you crazy; however, it will be to your advantage if you practice some restraint. 

  • Relationship  

You will be a giver and try to be an excellent provider in your relationships. You will put your loved ones before you and always try to give them your best. The Giver Tarot Card tells us that this month will be all about how much you can give and contribute to your loved ones' lives. 

  • Family 

There are chances of the arrival of a new family member this month. People who want to expand their families can have newborn babies during this time. Some of you can get married and have a life partner. This new family member's entry into your life will bring you happiness and joy. It will truly be a divine blessing, as per the Tarot Cancer horoscope.

  • Business 

Business expansion and increase in income are highly possible, as per the Tarot cards. The Business Transformation Card indicates the clear and strong possibility of new clients, new projects, and more quality work flowing into your life. Get to know more about the Cancer sign here.

Remedy- Chant the Gayatri Mantra to activate all the Chakras.  

Tarot Leo Horoscope

Dear Leos, you will be a magnet that will trigger changes in the masses. The Transformation Card conveys that you will make things move. People in senior leadership roles will be looked up to with respect and expectations. Even if you are at an individual contributor level, i.e., a beginner or entry-level position, the effect in your case will be the same as mentioned above. 

  • Career 

Dear Leos, it is time to slow down a little this month when it comes to your jobs and career, as the Tarot cards indicate some tricky times. Make sure you try and work hard to create an additional source of income in case there is a job loss or a negative impact on your present job, as suggested by the Tarot Leo horoscope.  

  • Relationship 

There might be some issues in your relationships with your loved ones due to your mood swings and some irritability in behavior. This could be due to work pressure or some other matter troubling you. The Mood Swing Tarot Card warns you to pay attention to your emotional and mental well-being. 

  • Family

Dear Leos, the Tarot cards indicate that this month, your ex-partner/lover from the past will reappear, asking you to start afresh and let the bygones be bygones. There is also a strong possibility that if you had a recent breakup or are on the verge of one, things will get sorted out, and you will get a happy ending. 

  • Business 

The Single Pointedness Card communicates that working on your focus in April will be better. Keep all your attention on your work and business. Refrain from getting tempted and avoid overindulging, or else you might end up getting your fingers burned. Get to know more about the Leo sign here.

Remedy- Do Throat Chakra or Vishuddha Chakra balancing meditations.  

Tarot Virgo Horoscope 

Dear Virgos, you will be on cloud nine and make heads turn as you will be able to inspire, motivate, and set examples for many others. The Leadership Card indicates that irrespective of the field of work, you will certainly have a lot to offer to all. As per the Tarot Virgo horoscope, you will contribute by adding value to people's lives. 

  • Career 

Dear Virgos, this will be an excellent month for your job and career. There are golden chances of some outstanding appraisals and excellent salary hikes. The Hope Card also talks about promotions and a possibility of an onsite or international trip. 

  • Relationship

Dear Virgos, relationships for you will be full of desires and wants. You will have many expectations from your loved ones, some of which will be realistic and some not. However, with the mercy of God, your relationship desires will be fulfilled, and they will get manifested as well. 

  • Family 

Some arguments or practical problems can arise in your day-to-day life that can cause disharmony and fights at home. Parents or spouses will expect you to be more understanding. Take time to introspect and figure out what would be best for you to do in such situations. 

  • Business

April is not an excellent month in terms of business for the Virgos. Certain critical business decisions can backfire, so you are advised to think twice before arriving at any conclusion or making long-term business-impacting decisions. Get to know more about the Virgo sign here.

Remedy- Do Anahata or Heart Chakra balancing meditations.  

Tarot Libra Horoscope

Dear Libras, life is beautiful, and everything happens for a reason and always for good. The Breakup Card suggests the possibility of a breakup or a divorce, but no need to sulk or feel down. If you have already gone through a breakup, it is best to move on and start afresh. This breakup will be the best for you. Remember the lessons you learned from the experience and forgive and forget. This is a past-life issue getting resolved, so don't be sad or worried about it. 

  • Career 

April is the time to go slow and not be part of office gossip or politics. Also, be aware of what is happening around you by keeping your eyes and ears open. As per the Tarot Libra horoscope, this is not a good time for a job change or to start anything new. It's better to stay put wherever you are at present. 

  • Relationship  

The Comparison Tarot Card brings to light your strong desire to compare your relationships and people, which is certainly not good. You might create a rift in your relationship with your loved ones by constantly referring to past incidents and others. Hence it is better to live in the present and avoid any comparisons. 

  • Family

Your family life this month will be excellent, with lots of laughter and happiness. The Innocence Tarot Card guarantees that the home will be peaceful and tranquil. It will be an abode of relaxation. 

  • Business 

You might have to face some challenges when it comes to trust in your team. Dear Libras, our Trust Tarot Card says that you must not have a blindfold on your eyes, meaning do not have blind faith in your employees and staff. It's crucial for the business owner to be aware of the day-to-day affairs. So try investing more time in your business and closely monitor all business-related matters. Get to know more about the Libra sign here.

Remedy- Do Cord Cutting Meditation to leave the past and gracefully move on to the future. Cord Cutting is a powerful technique that helps you transition smoothly from the past to the future. 

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Tarot Scorpio Horoscope 

Dear Scorpios, you have the Soul Contract Card. This means that you will be breaking a 'soul contract' that your soul had made in the past with someone else or your own self, and this will be your greatest achievement as of now. The 'soul contracts; are the contracts or promises that our souls make when in deep pain, anguish, distress, or anxiety. Most often, these are unhealthy and do not serve your highest purpose. They cause delays, hindrances, and losses in our lives; hence, dissolving them at the earliest is both necessary and crucial. 

  • Career  

April is a great career month for Scorpios. Additionally, the Abundance Tarot Card signifies that you will do exceptionally well at work. The cards indicate meetings, work travel, deadlines, and much action. You will always be on the go. This will also be a month of rewards.

  • Relationship  

Scorpios' relationships this month will be secure and stable. You will be happy and have the best in terms of love, affection, and understanding. However, as the Greed Tarot Card suggests, there will still be an urge to want more or explore outside. Remember, there is no end to greed, and the beauty of any relationship is honesty and transparency. 

  • Family 

Dear Scorpios, you can expect delays and postponements in your personal lives as the Postponement Tarot Card has come up from the Tarot deck. This delay can be in meeting your expectations or getting love and attention from your family. So be prepared and patient, as everything will eventually turn out in your favor. 

  • Business 

In April, you will do well in business and demonstrate great gratitude. You will be focused. And you will work hard to achieve all your goals and targets and be ahead of the competition. As per the Tarot Scorpio horoscope, you will receive excellent results from anything you take up during this time. Get to know more about the Scorpio sign here.

Remedy- Chant 'Om' 108 times every day. 

Tarot Sagittarius Horoscope

The Soul and Disintegration Card suggests that you will gather and assemble the broken pieces of your soul fragments bit by bit this month. Soul fragmentation happens when our soul breaks and disintegrates into many pieces; hence, folks feel lost and hollow. Without any rhyme or reason, people might feel empty and not content. This is a potential sign of soul fragmentation, so be aware of your feelings.  

  • Career 

Dear Sagittarians, April will see you using many of your intellectual strengths. You will be involved in a lot of analysis which could include some deep research work and projects. Overall the Intelligence Tarot Card indicates more working of your mind and intellect than utilizing your muscles. 

  • Relationship 

Your relationships can be quite challenging this month, dear Sagittarians. It will demand a lot of your attention and nurture. April will be to demonstrate and exhibit some courage as per the Courage Tarot Card. This could be courage for fighting your fears and phobias. It could also be the courage to become emotionally stronger by taking a pledge to work on your beautiful relationships. 

  • Family 

The Laughter Tarot Card has come up in the Tarot deck during the family reading, and this shows that it's time for some grand celebrations. There is a strong possibility of a wedding in the family or some other great function that will involve the gathering of all your relatives. According to the Tarot Sagittarius horoscope, it will be an occasion of happiness. 

  • Business 

When it comes to business, it will be a remarkable month for the lovely Sagittarians. There will be some new long-term changes. The Tarot reading strongly points toward a new invention or discovery in your chosen field of business. This will not only give you an upper hand against the competition but also place you as a market leader in your vertical. Get to know more about the Sagittarius sign here.

Remedy- Chant the Gayatri Mantra 108 times every day. This will help you with easier comprehension and a better understanding of the process of Soul Fragmentation. 

Tarot Capricorn Horoscope 

The Mentor and Growth Cards show that the Capricorns will seek a Guru, higher spiritual ascensions, direction going forward, and tools and techniques to propel them to a better level and bring out the best in them. Your journey will be about your growth and transformation. The divine forces will bless you with everything you need for that. 

  • Career  

Dear Capricorns, the Disciplehood Tarot Card tells us that you will become a great mentor and a natural leader at work for your teams. Everyone will start looking up to you and expect support from you to climb up the ladder of success. According to the Tarot Capricorn horoscope, you will receive much respect and appreciation at work, and your contribution will be valued.

  • Relationship 

As per the Tarot cards, there is a strong possibility of a breakup or a divorce this month. This could be because things were going wrong for a long time, and over a while, it worsened, and the closure is meant to happen now. According to the Tarot Capricorn horoscope, you must give it your best shot to see if things can work out, or else it is time to let it go. 

  • Family 

There will be a lot of acceptance and love for each other among the family members, making family life calm and serene. There will be total synchronicity, and all the family members will be on the same page. The Acceptance Tarot Card shows that all the family members will be cooperative towards each other and supportive. 

  • Business  

The business will flourish for you in April, and your spouses and partners will be supportive of you. You will be able to do well and exceed your targets with your partner's understanding and unconditional support.  Get to know more about the Capricorn sign here.

Remedy- Chant the Mantra:

"Buddham Sharanam Gacchami 

Dhammam Sharanam Gacchami

Sangham Sharanam Gacchami"

Tarot Aquarius Horoscope 

The Clairvoyant Card has come up for Aquarians, so there are high chances that you will get visions or dreams that can be of huge importance. These visions will be both for your own good and the upliftment of society. Your sensitivity levels will increase, and all five senses will become sharpened compared to those around you. 

  • Career 

When it comes to your career, you will have a lot of uncertainties and doubts this month, dear Aquarians. You will have many questions and won't know whom to ask. This month you may lack the support of your seniors or bosses; hence, you will feel the void and feel lost. However, take it easy, as this is temporary!

  • Relationship 

The Tarot cards hint at sensuality, exploration, and creativity in your love relationships. Your partner will be open and receptive. They will love this change in the relationship, which will add spice to your romantic life.

  • Family 

The family life for Aquarians will be stable and happy this month. You cannot ask for more as you will have the best of everything in April. With a strong family life, you will feel content and ready to conquer the world, as per the Tarot Aquarius horoscope. 

  • Business

When it comes to business, you will be safe and secure. You will experience some deep and unconditional understanding. The Understanding Tarot Card says that overall happy and cordial relationships will be maintained with the teams, and everyone will work towards a common goal in great synchronicity. Get to know more about the Aquarius sign here.

Remedy- Do Third-Eye Chakra or Ajna meditations. 

Tarot Pisces Horoscope

Dear Pisceans, practice as many meditations and sadhanas as possible as you have the Meditation Card. As per our spiritual knowledge and wisdom, the normal calculation for your duration of meditation each day should be minutes equal to your present age. So a 30-minute session for a 30-year-old man or woman. This will balance your energies, remove all the negativity, and make you more and more balanced.  

  • Career 

Dear Pisceans, it's time to try something new and different at your job, as you will not get different results by doing the same things over and over again. According to the Tarot Pisces horoscope, try thinking out of the box, be innovative, and come up with a solution that no one has ever tried before in your chosen field of work. 

  • Relationship 

Some grounding and balancing will be required in your personal relationship this month. There might be some situations that will give you anxiety. However, the Becoming Centered Tarot Card says it will be best to bring yourself back to a state of restfulness instead of fighting with your loved ones and making things worse.  

  • Family  

Beyond The Small Family Tarot Card informs you of a new arrival in your house. A newborn baby is on the way, which could be either in your immediate family or in the extended family. 

  • Business  

Dear Pisceans, business in April will flourish like never before, and you will experience new highs. There will be a sudden growth in income, which will be manifold compared to your average month-on-month profits. The Greatest Miracle Tarot card shows that something big and phenomenal is just around the corner!  Get to know more about the Pisces sign here.

Remedy- Do Chakra Balancing and Grounding meditations.  

Remember that these are only generalized forecasts. For more personalized predictions and effective remedies, call or chat with Tarot Pooja on Astroyogi! 

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