April is Number 4, which is the number of Rahu and the total of Month & Year adds up to Number 9 - April + 2021 = 4 + 5 = 9, which is for Mars or Mangal. Hence the upcoming month will have a lot of energy overall & many people will start new things in their lives, it could be new jobs, new relationships, new projects, etc. However, we once again as humanity may face a dip in terms of health and hence we need to look after ourselves & learn from our past mistakes & not repeat the mistakes for our overall well being. We also need to be more accepting of ourselves - self-acceptance and try to work towards bigger goals as mankind rather than thinking of just individual greed. The world will be a much better place to live in that case. Consult famous Tarot Reader, Tarot Pooja, now on Astroyogi.
April 1: Mercury moves into Pisces
April 10: Venus moves into Aries
April 14: Mars moves into Gemini & Sun moves into Aries
April 16: Mercury moves into Aries
This month, we recommend remedies like a donation for everyone as its karma, which is the universal law like Law Of Gravity. What you give comes back to you. So through donating & helping the less fortunate, we will feel nice as we could contribute to someone's life, which provides contentment and creates good Karmas that will heal us.
Now Add up your date of birth to arrive at a single digit and read below accordingly my lovely Souls -
These are generalized predictions only by a certified international expert - Tarot Pooja. For consultation regarding your personal readings, remedies & blessings, you may Call her here -
Number 1
Number 1s, please look after your health this month as you might have to face some serious health issues. Work can be challenging & demanding, coming up with various deadlines & targets which will make you burn the midnight oil. Try to keep a balance between work & personal life for better stress management. This month, you will also get to hear some excellent news: a wedding in the family or a newborn child or maybe even a long-due promotion that you have been waiting for. This will make you very happy, and you will feel all the hard work so far was worth it with absolutely no regrets.
Number 2
Number 2s some excellent news is on its way for you; it will be like a miracle for you. Life-changing things will unfold this month; however, you might have to experience some anxiety or stress, which is, unfortunately, your own creation & can be avoided for sure. Just surrender to the divine and do not fret. Know that everything is unfolding bit by bit the way it should, and all is well. Avoid arguments, fights with your near & dear ones as you might win the argument but end up hurting or losing them, which is not good in the long run. The best is to avoid such situations, and exit gracefully before things escalate and turn out bad.
Numerology 2021 | Numerology Number 1 | Ruling Number | Life Path Number
Number 3
The focus for Number 3s this month will be majorly at work & business & my cards tell me that you will be working very hard as if your work is your Worship. This will make many in the office jealous of you, and there might be some office politics happening around you for which you have to be aware not to get manipulated. Please understand we do not have only to work hard but work smart too. There will be few trust issues around you; hence better is not to trust anyone blindfolded for now and keep your ears & eyes open.
Number 4
Number 4s do not compare yourself with anyone else as you are unique & the best. God has created you in a particular manner & this is the best for you. You might be getting very critical, especially turning into a self-critique, which is not good on various occasions. Simply go with the flow & also, this month, we see some spiritual progress happening for you. So be devoted to the divine & only focus on good & positive things. This is the month for you to learn Self Acceptance in a big way.
Number 5
Number 5s an excellent period for you is on its way, so enjoy the maximum. We see a wonderful love life ahead and a beautiful relationship unfolding for you. Cupid is blessing you with both its hands. April month, we also see some great financial gains coming your way and a solid cash flow; some of it might come from the foreign lands. So make as much money as you want; Sky's the limit right now. Put in all the focus & hard work that you can to achieve the best. There might be minor hiccups here & there which is normal when you expand your horizons. Still, at that moment, you don't have to fear thinking about quitting, instead show some Courage & sort out the mess as it's only temporary and remember with every problem solving you learn new things.
Number 6
Number 6s have a lot of Abundance your way & Prosperity too. You will be getting creative & innovative ideas, so keep implementing them. All you need to work on is dropping the things, situations & people that are no longer required and shed the past. Drop the baggage you have been carrying for a while now & just proceed to the new heights. You have been stopping self-growth for some time as only when you let go or release the past can you fly in the air like a free bird. So do not hold on to the past; please let it go. You will be very happy after that.
Number 7
Number 7s some bad experiences recently or maybe a break up as we have a failure card that has left you a little damaged or hurt. You are introspecting the situation in a wrong manner & unnecessarily criticizing yourself. This brings in stress and anxiety in your Auric field and might affect your mental & emotional health. Please learn the lessons whatever has to be learned and bury the past. Future looks great for you & at times, the universe just wants us to go through some life experiences. Focus on your career as it's a very good time for your career growth & expanding your sources of income. Utilize your time, focus & energies in doing positive things that will transform your life.
Number 8
Number 8s overall a perfect time for you people as destiny & the luck is favoring you big time & is by your side. Some day-to-day or practical issues might crop up here & there, which you will handle & tackle as per my reading. Keep a positive outlook as there will always be hope in whatever challenging situation you might find yourself in. So never leave your positive attitude & hope & faith in the divine. Things might take some time, but they will go through, so just have some patience.
Number 9
Number 9s will be a very tricky month for you for sure. Your number 9 energy will add up to the month & year energy, so the effect multiplies. You might have to face some difficulties or challenges this month and also some setbacks. There may be some regrets & repentances that you will feel, but what is the point? What is done is done. Our control is not to jump to any conclusions, take it slow, avoid making impulsive or harsh decisions & think & introspect before concluding or making a commitment. This will, if not completely remove but reduce the chances of failures. Be good to yourself and everyone around you. Try to keep a low profile & spend time meditating for inner peace.
Love, Joy & Blessings
( Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Vastu & Numerology Expert, Reiki Grand Master )