Vedic astrology has such importance and prominence in our society that we have all heard about many Doshas and Yogas mentioned in this ancient science. Budh Aditya yoga is one such phrase which we must have heard about.
The ‘Budh Aditya yoga’ is a powerful combination of Sun and Mercury, together in the same house, which can change the destiny or modify the native’s life, depending on the house in which they are placed, their strength, how they get effected by other planets and the overall ‘essence of the horoscope’.
Sun, being the source of life-energy and Mercury, the planet of intellect, when present together in a house, can bring intelligence, luck, fame, money, power, respect and other great things. Of course, just being present together doesn’t ensure all this, since a lot of other come into play too. It’s the reason why inspite of 1/3rd people having Sun and Mercury together in some house of their horoscope, are still not blessed with the best in life.
For example, if Mercury is malefic in spite of Sun being benefic, the native may suffer from Pitra Dosha.
Again, the effect will depend on which Zodiac sign the malefic planets are present.
For example, if both malefic Sun and Mercury are present in the sign of Aries or Leo, the malefic effect of Mercury may be hit more, as Sun is more powerful in these two signs. And if the Sun is benefic in these signs while Mercury is malefic, the result in such a case will still be positive as the benefic Sun here will be stronger than the malefic Mercury, thus reducing the damage.
For example, even if both Mercury and Sun are benefic in the Libra or Pisces sign, but because they are in a debilitating state, they may not contribute much to the formation of Budh Aditya Yoga.
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For example, if an exalted Saturn is present in Libra, with a benefic Mercury but a weak Sun, it could give good success to native.
For example, when the Budh Aditya Yoga is in the first house of the birth chart, the native will be blessed with name, popularity and success in profession.
Thus, while the presence of both Sun and Mercury together can really work in the native’s favour, it can also have a negative effect sometimes.
To know If you are lucky to have a strong Budh Aditya Yoga in your birth chart, do get in touch with our astrologers, who will be able to help you harness that time well and ensure your rise in career and happiness.
✍️ By-: Team Astroyogi