For a very long time now, marriages in India were fixed only after the ‘Kundlis’ of both the partners were matched. Vedic astrologers would use the ‘Ashta(8) Kuta Milan’ to check compatibility between the bride and the groom. The 8 ‘kutas’ has 36 ‘gunas’ and the higher the number of ‘Gunas’ matched between the boy and girl match, the better would be the compatibility between the couple.
One of the ‘Kuta’ is ‘Nadi’ and 8 points are allotted to it. Since it has the maximum points, a lot of importance is given to this particulae aspect when the ‘Kundlis’ are matched. If minimum points of ‘Nadi’ match between the ‘kundlis' of boy and girl, this is called as the ‘Nadi Dosha’ and such a proposal of marriage is generally rejected.
The Nadi Dosha depends on the position of moon in the native’s ‘Lagna Kundli’ and is of three types:
Aadi Nadi occurs when the moon is placed in any of the following constellations in the native’s birth chart - Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Hasta, Jyeshtha, Moola, Uttara Phalguni, Shatabhisha or Poorvabhadrapada.
Madhya Nadi occurs when the moon is placed in any of the following constellations in the native’s birth chart - Bharani, Pushya, Mrigashira, Poorvaphalguni, Chitra, Poorvashada, Dhanishtha, Uttarabhadrapada or Anuradha.
Antya Nadi occurs when the moon is placed in any of the following constellations in the native’s birth chart - Kritika, Ashlesha, Magha, Rohini, Swati, Uttarashada, Vishakha, Revati or Shravana.
Consult our Expert Nadi Astrologers online, for kundli matching and seeking remedies and guidance for the Doshas in your horoscope.
It is believed by the astrologers that if both the boy and girl have the same ‘Nadis' , they will not have a successful marriage.Simple rule of “Like poles Repel and Unlike poles attract” theory. But such a proposal should not be rejected out right since there are other factors that need to be taken into consideration, such as,
Nadi Dosha will be nullified if the ‘Rashi’ of boy and girl are same, but ‘Nakshatras’ are different.
Or, Nakshatras are same but Rashis are different.
Or, if Rashi and Nakshatra is same but the ‘Pada’ of Nakshatra are different.
Since having the same ‘Nadi’ reduces the chances of siring children or reduces the life span of one of the partners, renowned astrologers will also check for other factors like the 5th House or “House of Children” in the Lagan Kundali of both the bride and groom, and also the placement of Jupiter in their horoscopes (As Jupiter is considered a Putrakarak Planet) before reaching a conclusion.
There can be other marriage related issues when there is ‘Nadi Dosha’ like health issues, lack of love between the partners etc. But if a couple in love and have the ‘Nadi Dosha’, in their horoscope astrologers can provide some remedies depending on whether it is Aadi, Madhya or Antya Nadi.
Consult our expert Nadi astrologers online for seeking remedies and guidances for Nadi Dosha.