Palmistry is an occult art practiced all across the world, it could explain one’s person’s traits and also provide valuable insights about his future and destiny. Chiromancy is the method in Palmistry, where the Palmists either read the lines on the palm or give insights based on the shape, texture of hands and fingers.
In Palmistry Passive hand is the classification of those lines which show traits which are inherited and Dominant hand pertains to those lines which show your individuality and things learned from life. An expert palmists would consider 3 major lines on your palm for his guidance. They are the Life line, the Heart line and the Head line. The fourth important major line is the Fate line, which everyone does not have.
The Life line: begins between the Index finger and thumb and ends at the wrist. People mostly believe that the longer the line, the longer they will live. On the contrary, this denotes your strength and prosperity.
The Heart line: runs horizontally across the top of the palm and is also called the Love line. It not only tells about the emotional state of the person and his relationship with others but also indicates the health of the heart.
The Head line: also called the Wisdom line, runs below the Heart line, horizontally across the middle of the palm. It reveals the state of the mind and brain, its intelligence and psyche. This is considered one of the most important lines in Chinese palmistry.
The Fate line: Luck line or the Line of Destiny, runs vertically from the base of the palm towards the base of the middle finger. Not everybody has this line. This line mainly pertains to one’s career and hardships one may have to face in life.
A Palmist would move on to the secondary lines or the minor lines, for a detailed analysis of a person’s destiny. A popular school of thought in Palmistry is that those who have only the 3-4 major lines, take life as it comes, without pausing or overthinking. Common minor lines are-
Apollo line: running parallel to Destiny line shows that someone is easy to get along and have the potential for great success.
Bracelet lines: present on the wrist, immediately below the palm tells about difficulties in childbirth in women.
Child lines: are fine vertical lines immediately below the Mercury finger denotes the number of children one will have.
Girdle of Venus: is a fine line present between the Heart line and the fingers and almost runs parallel to the Heart line. It denotes the sensitivity and how emotional a person is.
Health line: runs diagonally across the palm and contrary to what it suggests, those who do not have this line, enjoy better health and recover more quickly from any illness.
Intuition line: starts on the little-finger side of the hand, close to the wrist, on the slightly raised mound. Its presence indicates that the person has strong intuitive capabilities.
Relationship lines: are present on the side of the palm between the heart line and Mercury finger. They tell about relationships which may or may not advance to marriage.
A detailed consultation with an experienced Palmist could not only surprise you with accurate findings about yourself but also provide insights about your destiny. Click here to consult the best Palmists in India.