The Element

According to Chinese astrology, our universe consists of five basic elements namely Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. Everything, including humans, in the universe must have a relationship with these five elements. So the five elements are applied not only to every physical thing in the world, but also to the Colors, Directions, Seasons and Sounds, Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds of the Chinese Calendar. These elements, calculated from the date of birth and time, gives valuable insights in addition to their animal signs into the psyche of the person concerned, their inherent tendencies and their personalities in general.

Metal Water Wood Fire Soil/Earth
Male Branch Monkey Rat Tiger Horse Dragon,Dog
Female Branch Hen RatPig Rabbit HorseSnake Cow,Sheep

Relation between Elements

These element relations are conducive, beneficial, congenial, friendly, supporting and generating.(Affinity Relationship).

  • Water generates Wood -Water is the mother of Wood
  • Fire generates Earth -Fire is the mother of Earth
  • Earth generates Metal -Earth is the mother of Metal
  • Metal generates Water -Metal is the mother of Water

The elements have the capability to destroy, defeat, overcome and overwhelm the other elements as well. (Destructive Relationship)

  • Water can extinguish Fire
  • Wood can break the Earth
  • Fire can melt Metal
  • Earth can make Water disappear
  • Metal can break Wood

The elements are also hostile, fighting, resisting, and hurting mutually one another.(Replusive Relationship)

  • Water dislikes Fire
  • Wood dislikes Earth
  • Fire dislikes Metal
  • Earth dislikes Water
  • Metal dislikes Wood

Relation between Elements

Element People


Persons, whose representative element is the earth, are faithful to their masters, have an idealistic character but are highly ambitious. These persons have dual character. They wish and desire that other persons should accord importance to them, and they desire a loving treatment, in return for their love. They should avoid and stay away from moisture and marshy lands.

Fire Element People


Persons of fire element have magnetic and attractive personality, remain happy and excited. They wish to remain bound in the love- bounds of their relatives, as they despise seclusion. They are hypersensitive and quick messengers.

Water Element People


Such persons are imaginative, philosophers and great thinkers. They are clever, scholarly and believe in free lancing. They take up multiple professions. They believe in conferring secrets to themselves only. They should avoid water-laden places.

Metal Element People


They are excellent calculators. They wish to lead an orderly and principled life. They also like hygienic and balanced environment. Quality is the creed in their life. They should avoid dry places.

Wood Element People


They are high class artists or artisans and perform their work diligently and remain committed to their work and are adept in their profession. They are real workaholics. They wish to remain busy, and believe in the sort of life which is basically hardwork oriented. They indulge in wasteful expenditure.