These horoscope readings are generic for each zodiac sign. You can consult our expert Vedic Astrologers online for a personalized horoscope analysis.
This week your confidence continues to be sky high thanks to the impact of the sun in Leo which remains in place for the entirety of this week. With your confidence flowing freely, this is a great week to develop yourself and begin tasks that you may have been nervous to start previously. For those of you in positions of leadership within your community, you’ll notice increased respect and admiration from your congregation of followers. If you are not in a role of leadership, you may want to consider branching out in this direction as Aries folk are natural, fair and just leaders. With Mercury in Leo this week, it’s best to stay away from making concrete plans. Embrace spontaneity and allow the chips to fall where they may. Anything that is too rigid or structured should be veered away from. On the 5th September, Venus moves into Leo, a glorious placement for expectant mothers. Your children will bring you health and happiness so enjoy this time with them.
With the sun in Leo, you have the urge to move and enjoy a change of scene. You want to shift your domestic arrangement in some way. Perhaps you want to move in with friends or with your partner or maybe you just want to move into a bigger home in a different area. This is unusual for Taurus natives as you tend to be a homebody who is happy to stay where they are. If you are unable to move, you will re-decorate and be eager to transform your house in one way or another. At work, you will be the talk of the town for all the right reasons. Romantically, this is a time of passion and stability. As Venus moves into Leo on the 5th, you’ll enjoy a smooth social life and others will enjoy your company and ideas. You will be far more social and adventurous than usual, glowing with the warmth and gregariousness that Leo brings with it, but grounded by your own earthy, sensual energy.
With the sun in Leo, you remain highly active and sociable this week. Your diary looks jam-packed! The Gemini constitution is restless and curious but can also become run down very easily if you do not make time to rest. You connect easily with those younger than you due to your youthful and engaging energy so this is a great time to spend with siblings and children. A career with children may be on the cards. They may turn to you for fun and friendship as well as guidance. The urge to travel is never far from your mind but do take precautions when it comes to your physical and mental health. Take time for solitude, eat well and try to quiet your busy mind. When artistic and creative, your mind is an asset but when scattered and uncertain it can lead to your downfall. On the 5th September, Venus moves into Leo, which only brings out the best in all aspects of your life.
You are communicating better with those around you and moving away from a passive style of communication to a more assertive one. Have you noticed that this is garnering better results for you? It is easier for you to be direct with others and you are starting to get what you want and need rather than what is given to you. You may have already gotten to the bottom of personal issues, disputes or misunderstandings but if there is any lingering confusion or doubt, make sure that you take the time to express how you feel in order to reach a resolution. This week you’ll enjoy unexpected financial gain and you may choose to invest in property. On the 5th, Venus moves into Leo which solidifies your financial future. You’ll spend time bonding with family and friends and at work, things remain balanced and rhythmic. You enjoy your life in all areas.
Leo, you remain in high spirits and on good form this week as the sun remains in your own sign. You are putting yourself out there both at work and in your social life and others are recognizing the efforts that you have gone to. For those pursuing roles of leadership, you will notice that such roles come to you effortlessly. Any issues that you’ve encountered in your romantic and personal life will resolve themselves. With Mercury in Leo, there is a level of disharmony at home – you may be neglecting family responsibilities. There is a degree of tension surrounding your personal life due to a lack of balance. As a fixed sign, it is natural for you to take an all or nothing approach but remember that there are shades of grey. Learning to view life this way will lessen the pressures you feel. On the 5th September, Venus moves into Leo and you will learn how to practice self-love rather than depending on the validation of outside influences.
This month you need to exercise caution with money which should not be difficult for you as you are a prudent, resourceful character. You work hard and have earned a great deal of money but learning to make it work for you with investments and wise decisions will make your money stretch further. The impact of the sun in Leo may lessen your sense of self-confidence but you have no reason to doubt yourself as you are exemplary in all that you do. Try to avoid perfectionist tendencies. You are enough as you are and perfection is impossible. Focus on your better qualities and try to learn how to let bad thoughts pass. On the 5th September, Venus, the planet of love and friendship moves into Leo. Be wise with your money. Purchase what you need not what you want and watch your money grow. We promise you that this will be far more satisfying and rewarding.
Do you have a tendency to procrastinate due to your indecision? This is perfectly natural especially for an agile air sign such as yourself. You are always in a position to think about what you want, which means that you rarely make silly decisions but it can mean that you block out what your intuition is trying to tell you and sometimes intuition is a more powerful and accurate teacher. This week, you feel more decisive and clear headed. Romantically, this makes you assertive and sure of what you want which may spell good news for a new relationship. Your partner or potential romantic interest may not have known where they stood with you, but now things feel clearer. If you are interested in someone, you pursue them more assertively by displaying how much you know and how charming and fun you can be. On the 5th September, Venus moves into Leo which spells promising things for your career and personal life.
In life, things have often come to you unannounced. This is largely down to the personal magnetism that you effortlessly display. People, experiences and opportunities gravitate into your orbit and you are allowed your pick of the litter. When things come to you so easily it can make you forget to go out and get things for yourself, but Scorpio’s are best when they carve their own way in the world. With the sun and Mercury in Leo this week, you’ll be flying high at work and enjoying a degree of excitement in your personal life. On the 5th, Venus moves into Leo which encourages growth, development and financial reward. Life feels exciting and full of opportunity. You may do something unusual just for yourself such as go on a safari or some sort of expedition. You want to take a bit out of what life has to offer.
Luck seems to favour you but this you already know. This is a week of celebration and auspicious events. You enjoy good tidings that benefit yourself and family members. The celebratory feel has got you thinking about the milestones you want to reach in your own life. Although you are a go with the flow person, you can most certainly make huge life changes should you wish to. In terms of your personal life, there are a few obstacles to overcome this week. You need to do things that make your soul feel free. Getting out and about and seeing friends is likely to do the trick for you, as physical activity makes you feel better. Being cooped up is a definite no-no! Being out and about in nature will also help. On the 5th, Venus moves into Leo bringing good fortune. If you are in a relationship, you may be moving closer to one particular milestone: marriage!
Sturdy, robust and consistent – that is the Capricorn temperament. Although you are responsible, dependable and courageous, you don’t always take the time you need for yourself. You may be caught up in your ambitions, career and responsibilities but there is a side of you that craves play and freedom and this side should be allowed to indulge as and when it needs to. Capricorns are blessed with a great sense of humour that displays a bit of sarcasm and a dry wit. Display more of this and even the most serious situations will be injected with a dash of play. On the 5th September, Venus moves into Leo which suggests that you will feel less engaged by work. It might be a nice time to plan a holiday or something fun for yourself.
Recently, your home life has been manic and crazy as you have had much to celebrate. You may be looking forward to a period of cooling down but that time has not come yet. This week is set to be social and you find your week dotted with weddings and family events. Romantically, there may be clashes as the differences between yourself and your partner come to the fore. As a fixed sign, you can be stubborn so try to compromise and learn to see things through your loved one’s eyes. In doing so, you will feel more deeply connected to one another. On the 5th September, Venus moves into Leo, giving you the passion, loyalty and commitment to love your partner endlessly. A commitment such as marriage may be on the cards. Whatever you take up or start you will conquer as you are in for the long haul.
Sensitive, soulful and mystical, this week you need to take care of yourself in all ways. Practices that soothe you include meditation, swimming, light exercise, sleeping, reading and artistic endeavours. Anything linked to art, painting, drawing, writing or performance should be considered as an outlet for your strong emotional nature. Escaping into fantasy also takes off a lot of pressure. Be wary of letting anyone into your inner circle whom you do not trust. Keep only trusted loved ones close by. This week, you will excel in some way that may get you attention, fame or recognition. On the 5th, Venus moves into Leo and your focus turns to love. You may find that your love life feels a tad dry compared to your fantasies. Who is to say that you cannot make your romantic world more beautiful? Use your imagination and compassion and make it work.
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