Chandra Grahan or Lunar eclipse occurs, when the Moon comes directly behind the Earth as it revolves around it and all three; the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are in a straight line. The Earth’s shadow then blocks the Sun’s light from getting reflected off the Moon, resulting in the eclipse of the Moon. It can occur only at full Moon. In a year, there can be two to three lunar eclipses.
Depending on how much of the Earth’s shadow covers the Moon, the eclipse can be total, partial or penumbral.
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This eclipse is also called the 'Flower Moon', as the Moon turns deep red during this time. It involves the second Full Moon of the month, and is popularly called the ‘Super Flower Moon Eclipse’. At this time the Moon is going to be at its closest point to Earth. Thus, this Chandra Grahan can also be called a "Super Flower Moon Eclipse."
It will be observed on the night side of the Earth; in South/West Europe,, Asia, Australia, North/East Africa, North America, South America, the Pacific, Atlantic a Indian Oceans, Arctic and Antarctica.
The eclipse will start on 26th May 2021 at 02:17 pm to 07:19 pm.
Such a phenomenal occurrence has a great significance and effect on man. It is believed that during a 'grahan', harmful rays are generated and so it is not advisable to look at the Moon at this time. Also, if possible, one should not be out in the open during the time of the grahan.
Since the Moon is related to emotions, the natives who have a problem with the Moon in their horoscope, face emotional distress. It is also related to ‘mother’, and therefore, natives can face some conflicts in their relationship with their mother. Mental stress can increase. The 'Grahan' affects an individual, depending on his/her zodiac sign, ranging from loss of energy to career downfall.
Pregnant women should stay indoors as the harmful rays can have an adverse effect on the growing baby. 'Chandra mantras or Stotras’ should be recited to reduce the harmful effects of the rays. Holy 'Gangajal' should be sprinkled all over the house and workplace to minimize the harmful effects of ‘Chandra Grahan’.
During the ‘Grahan’ one should avoid eating and must not indulge in sexual intercourse. Also, no new venture or deal should be started during this time.
On the spiritual side, during Chandra Grahan, prayers of natives are more easily accepted and those with certain 'doshas' can worship during this period to get rid of the evil effects of the malefic combinations of planets in their horoscope. For example, if the native has 'Kaal-Sarp Yog' in his/her horoscope, this is the best time to perform prayers to get rid of it.