The last month of the year can be quite nostalgic for many of us. While many would have had a roller coaster ride in 2019, making them pray for some stability in the coming year, there would be others who would long for some excitement in 2020. Here’s wishing everyone gets what they want in 2020, provided their ‘wish’ does not clash with somebody else’s ‘wish’!
As the year draws to a close, it is the perfect time to let go of any ego that you may have had with some colleagues at your workplace. This is a good time to sit back and check what you think you may have gained by this behaviour of yours. Be congenial and see its positive effect on your mental state of mind.
You have been doing some right things regarding your finance in the past and for a change, you could go ahead and try your luck with a lottery ticket (sensibly, of course) or a competition. Those who were in some legal dispute about money, have a good chance of winning the case.
If your relationship is continuing to challenge you, and you seem to find no growth in it, stop playing the ‘victim’ game and move on. For some other Rams, there could be a reawakening of romance after a stalemate.
You may want to make some relevant decision about your work and financial situation in the last month of the year. Are you getting an offer that seems to be too good to be true? Are you getting tempted to take it? Stop. Because the job may have some hidden clauses which you are unable to see now. Do not get pressured by your dear ones and take some impulsive decision. Especially if you are only looking at the financial aspect of the offer. Your gut feeling would be right at this time. Rely on that.
Use the Christmas break to do something exciting with your partner. You will have a more passionate and fulfilling relationship this month. Those wanting to start a family can strike it lucky. Singles, do not feel left out. The year will not pass by, without introducing your partner to you. So cheer up!
Brace yourself for some sudden news at your career front that may appear difficult for you to handle, but which was necessary. This may be something small which will just pass by without making much of a dent or something major that would take some time for you to come to terms with. Think of this as a positive change because, for a better future, one must let go of situations in the past that were not working.
With this sudden change, your finances could also stabilise (in case it was dipping). But this does not entail you to make any major purchases this month. Instead, make sure you have kept aside some money for a rainy day.
Those feeling apprehensive of taking their father into confidence about a relationship should have the courage to go ahead with the ‘confession’. Gemini’s who feel that their relationship is based primarily on materialistic issues should reconsider the partnership.
If you are getting tired of a work environment where no one is listening to each other because of ego issues, it is best to distance yourself from the others for the time being and concentrate on your work. Remember to not accept any bullying from anyone and only deal with yourself. Those who are being offered something new in their career should be careful while accepting it. Good time to shift your attention to making some big purchase that you had in mind for some time. A good month to invest, but not for taking loans.
You will notice that the effort you have put in your relationship is paying off and you both are ready to make a commitment to the next level. Those who were single will be more aware of the common interest you have been sharing with a friend of the opposite sex. Is she/he the one for you? There’s only one way to find that out. Go on a date.
Now read 2020 annual tarot reading on Astroyogi.com!
Lions, who are looking for a change in their career, will be surprised to find a fulfilling one in a nurturing field. Either teaching, nursing or healing. Since being in the leadership role is what gives you happiness, you can be in the managerial sector here or get involved in team projects, with you leading the team, of course! Not the time to enter into any deals that give you the lure of EMI. With the New Year around the corner, make sure your finances are in order so that you start the year on a stable footing. Do not bank on a windfall; instead, plan ahead sensibly.
If your relationship is confusing you, you need to introspect on why you are not sure about it. Is some old wound bothering you? Is there an ego or power struggle going on? Maybe you need to give it time to unfold in a gradual and peaceful manner. Those who are single, also need to be more patient. Remember love ‘happens’. It cannot be forced!
Your fairy tale at your career front continues and you may reach a position of leadership; all because of your abilities and accomplishments. The year will close on good innings for you and yes, you have earned every bit of it. It is payday for those who had invested their money on some project. Enjoy your financial situation and maybe spend some of it into your home life. How about redecorating to ring in the new year? Look out for some solid financial advice from an older, sophisticated woman and spend money accordingly.
Virgo’s who feel their relationship is not moving as they had hoped for, simply need to change an old perspective/pattern in them to bring in fresh input. The easier way, of course, is to simply let go of the relationship, but try giving it one last shot with a change in your behaviour. You may be pleasantly surprised!
A great month to end the year on a very positive note career-wise. You will be blessed with abundant energy to start something new. Lots of plausible and do-able ideas will cross your mind and this is the right time to make the most use of your confidence, creativity and enthusiasm in starting something new. So, put your plans into action and surge ahead in your career as the New Year marches in. Trust your instincts and make intelligent decisions while investing money into a project.
With the universe as your playground this month, you will also be blessed with happiness and success in your relationship. Interested in that overseas guy/gal? Relax. Do not force it prematurely. It is developing nicely at a slow and steady pace. Those who are single and have some travel plans this month, do strike up a conversation with that cute girl/interesting boy you noticed while travelling. She/he could be a soul mate you have been looking for.
A Water sign gives her/his best when they are doing what they love. As the year comes to an end, the Universe is gently reminding you again that you must follow your heart and look for a career that will bring joy to your life. If you are happy where you are, but things are getting mundane for you, there is definitely someone at your workplace who can inspire you and remind you about the reason why you took up this job. Connect with her and get your act back together. Financially you are in a good space, so have a great Christmas but be ready to pursue your passion with zeal in the New Year.
Do you feel your partner is not being emotional about your relationship? Maybe he/she is just not being able to express himself and that just does not mean that he is not interested in you. The singles can just let their hair down and go right ahead with the person they are attracted to. It is ok to be bold and reckless about your act this month.
If you are looking for a change in your career as the year draws to a close, then more Earthly fields like finance, banking or taking up some business, would be right up your alley. Take the advice of an older man who would encourage you and provide you with practical support which you would require. If he sounds harsh sometimes, do not take it to heart as you will learn a lot from him. You especially need him now as you need to be cautious about your finances. This is not the time to gamble and take unnecessary risks with your money.
If you are wounded from a previous relationship, allow this to heal completely before you get into another one. Or it could just end up being a rebound. Are you carrying a lot of emotional baggage with the confusion whether your partner is interested in the relationship with you or not? Do try and clear this so that you start the New Year on a clean slate.
Now read 2020 annual tarot reading on Astroyogi.com!
Those in the healing business, scientists, geologists, doctors would do well this month. Other Goats should trust their intuition, rather than depend on their intellect while making an important decision. Businessmen should be cautious about their partners. Students who were looking for a good teacher would come across one this month, who would help them further their education. Goats are very good at managing finances and they will need to prove their prowess this month. Cut down on unnecessary monthly expenses and do not make risky investments.
While you are a great businessman, you do need to be more expressive with your love. Yes, you are a ‘provider’ for a stable family, but that does not mean that you do not listen to the views of your loved ones. How about taking a step back if you feel hurt that you are being defied? It could help you sort out your feelings and be more compromising. You will feel more loved that way.
As the year draws to a close, you will steadily be working towards establishing strong foundations in your career, which will pay off in the future. You must already be able to see the profits that you are making from the business ventures in which you have invested until now. Although power and status that you earn from your hard work, can be quite heady, do make sure that your life does not revolve around work. You must indulge in some heart-based activities once in a while too. Although you will enjoy financial stability, do make sure that you save some for a rainy day.
Brace yourself for some change in the status of your love relationship. The month bodes well for the singles as they may meet their soulmate but those in a relationship may be disappointed by some upheaval in their personal life. Do remember that all sunsets lead to sunrises. May the New Year bring a pleasant surprise for those who may have to end some old relationships?
If looking to better your career, work towards establishing cooperation and equity in your workplace. When you work in tandem with your colleagues, you will be able to accomplish more than you would otherwise, when you work individually. After all, there is strength in numbers, provided of course, everyone puts in their two-bit. Businessmen, whose business is stagnating, would flourish if they are joined by a friend with whom they have a lot of accord and understanding. Enjoy your healthy and stable financial status with your family and friends. Always share your blessings with those who are less privileged.
Your love relationship could be on an all-time high this month! What a great way to end the year… some Fishes will meet their soulmate and those in committed relationships will develop a bond that becomes sweeter, deeper and stronger. Also, a great month for couples to start trying for a baby.
Tarot Reader