The sixth house in the horoscope is the native sign for Virgo and is ruled by the planet Mercury. It is the House of Health and Service.
The house relates to the service the native provides, not only to others, but also his own self. The responsibilities towards his employees and the association with them, whether they will be supporting to the native or not.
Physical attributes like, the pancreas, intestines, are associated and effected with this house. Just as the intestines do the basic work of digesting the food to produce energy for the various life processes, similarly, this house is responsible for good health which in turn effects the native’s daily routine, line of duty, undertaking responsibility, facing adversity and the progress in life.
This house also tells about the hurdles and hinderances that the native will encounter in his life, the humiliation he may confront, the debts and losses he may have to endure. It also is indicative of disease and sickness the native will go through.
Lets now look at the varied impact of the nine planets on the Sixth House-
Sun - When the most powerful celestial body, the Sun, is in the sixth house, it would give you strength and power to move ahead in your life. But it may also bestow on you a domineering personality, which could be a source of annoyance or jealousy in people working with you.
Sun in sixth house, could give some health concern to you. You will be blessed with a pleasant spouse.
Moon - The planet that bestows softness and love in people, when in the sixth house, will make you want to work with sincerity and devotion. You will get tense if the work is not performed to perfection and the dissatisfaction could give you mental strain.
Mars - Your skill and authority at work will be accentuated when Mars is in the sixth house and you will be capable of handling difficult situations with ease. You will be able to use your energy better by involving yourself in challenging activities like athletics or other sports. But respecting others in the team becomes a task for you.
Mercury - When Mercury is present in the sixth house, it will make you organised, helpful and successful at your work place. But you will be strict with your co-workers which may not be appreciated.Your anxiety at work to get things in perfect order, could create tension for yourself.
Jupiter - You will enjoy love and respect at your workplace when Jupiter is in the sixth house. You will get happiness by helping others. Your intellectual, philosophical and spiritual nature will bring out the goodness in you and help you lead a happy life.
Venus - Venus in the sixth house will bring to the fore, your loving and gentle nature and you will be most helpful, affectionate and dedicated worker. Your sincerity at the work place will be appreciated by your seniors. On the home front, you could face some problems with your dissatisfied children.
Saturn - Saturn in the sixth house will turn you into a workaholic. You will do your work with a serious attitude and allow your work to overtake all your other comforts and pleasures. Your firm and strict attitude at the work place, may be annoying to others and they could retaliate, giving you tension.
Rahu - When Rahu is present in the house ruled by Mercury, you will be relaxed at work and wont be weighed down by work load and tensions. Your intelligence will grant you success at work.
You will spend lavishly and lead a comfortable life.
Ketu - When Ketu is present in the sixth house, you will lead a cushy life by the blessings of your caring mother. You will be hard working and become a successful figure in society. You could settle comfortably abroad. But Ketu can give you some health problems concerning your eye.
To learn more about other houses of your Horoscope visit https://www.astroyogi.com/articles.
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