Mercury Retrogression In December And It’s Impact on You

Fri, Dec 08, 2017
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
Fri, Dec 08, 2017
Team Astroyogi
  By Team Astroyogi
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Mercury Retrogression In December And It’s Impact on You

According to Vedic legends, Mercury is the offspring of Jupiter and Moon; hence it has the characteristics of both of these planets. Mercury is the key planet which influences one’s communication skills, analytical abilities, and intellect. So any change in the transit of this planet could have a significant impact on the lives of Lawyers, sales professionals, artists, and scientists. Mercury will start its retrogression in December on the 3rd of December at 1:05 PM, and then become direct on 23rd December at 7.21 AM. But, during the period from 3rd December to 10th December Mercury will be retrograding in Sagittarius and then changing the sign to Scorpio on the 11th of December while continuing its retrograde motion before culminating its retrogression phase on the 23rd of December. Read on to learn more about the impact of this transit on the 12 zodiac signs.

[Please Note that these predictions are based on Moon Sign]


You would enjoy a favourable time while mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius. You will have good health, harmony and success in life. However, things may not be in your favour after 11th of December, i.e when Mercury transits from Sagittarius to Scorpio. Then you might have disagreements with your siblings which can disturb your inner peace. After 11th of December, you might have to leave for some official or personal trips or journeys which would be a bit troublesome.

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


You will enjoy a very happy family life while Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius. There are chances of a family reunion or near ones may visit you after a long time and you would enjoy some quality time with them. After 11th of December Mercury will transit to Scorpio. You might have to stay away from your family during this time period. Some unexpected expenses may come up during this time period.

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


The retrogression of Mercury in Sagittarius would increase the overall well-being and happiness in your life. If you have been planning to purchase a house or vehicle for a long time. You are likely to make this big investment during this time period. You may also consider refurbishing your home during this time period. Gemini natives who are living away from their parents have a good chance of spending some time with them. However, after Gemini’s transit into Scorpio you may have some health issues, so you need to be careful on the health front.

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.



Everything will be fine on the personal and career front during Mercury’s retrogression in Sagittarius from 3rd to 10th December. You will feel energetic and proactive after the transit. However, you may find it hard to take some critical decisions, as you would be having a lot of dilemma regarding the same. Financial gains are also on the cards. You will hear some good news from your younger sister or brother. After Mercury’s transit from Sagittarius to Scorpio, you may have minor disagreements with your close ones. You are advised to stay calm and relaxed. 

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


You may have to increase the effort which you need to put in for accomplishing your regular tasks. You might have to work very hard for achieving very little. You should stay safe from intoxicating substances and any kind of adulteration or poisoning during this time frame. After Mercury’s transit to Scorpio, you need to be careful about your health. You are advised to handle tense situations with tact and diplomacy and don’t lose your control over temper.

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


The impact of Mercury retrogression in Sagittarius will have both positive and negative impacts on your life. You need to take care of your health during this tenure. There are chances of head and eye-related ailments, so we advise you to be a bit careful here. But the transit will bring in good luck on your work front. Procedures and formalities related to work which were taking a lot of time would get the much-anticipated pace. After Mercury’s transit into Scorpio, some tasks which were long pending due to legal formalities or procedures will be accomplished successfully. You will also be having a spiritual or religious orientation during this tenure.

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


The retrogression of Mercury in Sagittarius can make your love life more happening. You may have to consider a serious proposal during this tenure. Things in the personal and career front will stay normal. You may leave for a pilgrimage with your close ones during this time period. But after 11th December when Mercury returns to Scorpio.The transit can make you a bit aggressive and you may lose your cool easily. You have to control your temperament as an argument or friction with your near and dear ones can affect your relationship with them.

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius from 3rd to 10th December; this is the best time for you to put your best efforts for achieving your goals as luck is in your favour. You may have to leave for a long journey during this tenure, but the trip will be very much enjoyable and pleasant. However, after the 11th of December when Mercury returns to Scorpio you might have disagreements or arguments with your partner during this tenure. There are also chances of being separated from your better half during this tenure. You should also take good care of your health during this time period.

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


When Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius you may be stressed out and irritated by certain trivial matters. The same stress may affect your productivity and focus on work. You are advised to stay safe from bad company as you may be influenced by certain negative vibes and this can malign your social reputation and status. When Mercury returns to Scorpio on the 11th of December the major impact will be on your finances as you will see your expenses and financial requirements burgeoning way beyond your earnings. You are advised not to plan or make any job shift during this time period. You should keep your secrets to yourself for now as disclosing them may backfire and bring on some negative impacts on your relationships.

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


The retrogression of Mercury in Sagittarius will have mixed impacts on your life. You may feel a bit weak during this tenure; minor ailments or injuries may also trouble you. But you may find a new and exciting opportunity on the work front. Astroyogi astrologers advise you to be strong enough to overcome your physical weaknesses and grab this opportunity as it would be a boost to your career. You should not take any impulsive decisions during this time period, take your time and consult your near and dear ones before taking any crucial decisions. After 11th of December, you should control your anger and be very diplomatic in your interaction with colleagues and seniors. 

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


After Mercury's retrogression in Sagittarius your business expansion goals may realize in this period either by getting into a new partnership or even taking a loan for additional investments. Those who are working need to exercise patience as delay in salary increment is indicated. Things will eventually work out and you can also look at an investment in property or a purchase of a vehicle.  When Mercury returns to Scorpio your hidden enemies will make several unsuccessful attempts to hurt you, but this would demand your alertness. Professionally, a good year to switch jobs or even getting promoted in the same job. Those in business will be presented with lucrative investment opportunities.

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.


The retrogression of Mercury is Students will be favourable for you. Students will be inclined towards research-oriented studies and courses. Professionals are expected to get promotions in the same job or switch careers for higher income. Businessmen are advised to keep their eyes open for even the smallest opportunities, unexpected profits are indicated. You need to be a bit careful after the 11th of December and keep all your legal documents and finance work updated to avoid any kind of harm to reputation.    

Click here to consult India's best astrologers on Astroyogi for a personalised in-depth astrological analysis in the light of Mercury retrogression and your luck in 2018.

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