Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro, a Portuguese, is one of the most well known names in the world of football. He plays as a forward in the Portugal National Football Team and in the Spanish club, Real Madrid.
Considered to be one of the best football players in the world, Ronaldo holds many records of ‘Firsts’ and ‘most awards’. He has been one player who has been the subject of the ‘most expensive association football transfer’, when he moved from Manchester United to Real Madrid.
Born on 5 February, Ronaldo is an Aquarius. Looking at this moving human tornado, who can imagine that Ronaldo was diagnosed with a ‘racing heart’ at the age of 15? He had to undergo an operation to treat the condition, or he wouldn't have been able to play.
The Aquarius is not one who likes to be put behind desks and so, one finds very few in the corporate sector. Ronaldo started showing his Aquarius traits at a young age, when he found himself in the authoritative classrooms. He is believed to have been expelled from school because he threw a chair at his teacher!
When the Aquarius sets his sight on a certain goal, they will move heaven and earth to get it done. Ronaldo took permission to quit school at the age of 14, as he was confident that he had the ability to play football on a professional level and wanted to concentrate on that.
Aquarians are resilient and feed off challenges and difficulties. When Ronaldo’s heart condition cropped up a year later and he underwent an operation, the boy was back on the field in just a few days. The will power of an Aquarius is unfathomable. Quoting the former Real Madrid manager, Carlo Ancelotti,”Ronaldo lived for the game - everything else was built to fit around it”.
Aquarians are known to possess the intellectual abilities to surpass any roadblocks that comes in the way of their success. Ronaldo mastered his dribbling abilities, often displaying an array of tricks and feints to confuse the opponent team.
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He steadily rose up the ladder of success and his prolific and consistent goal scoring ability has almost labelled him as one of the greatest player in the history of football. It is to his credit that coming from an impoverished home, today Ronaldo’s net worth as he turned 33; is approximately $400 million. All this is thanks to his commitment towards his passion of playing football.
The stars predict that with Saturn’s retrograde on April 18, Ronaldo needed to work on his sporty skills harder than ever. But soon, with Jupiter going progressive, a weight will be lifted from his shoulders. Staying committed to his practice, will bring lots of luck in his direction and Ronaldo is expected to reap abundant accolades from everyone.
2018 will end with Ronaldo making a lasting name for himself in the professional sector.
We, at Astroyogi, applaud all his achievements till date and wish he continues to be a workplace celebrity. Do continue to be a source of inspiration for everyone, Ronaldo.