Business predictions for all twelve signs, 1st October 2012 to 7th October 2012
The week is classic for in house activities and putting your work place in order and taking up administrative matters. You will be more interested in staying back at the office and have an internal review of things, rather than being active in business activities.
Taureans you will be tied up with financial institutions solving treasury issues. You might be mending and taking care of your investments and awkward financial decisions. The 1st will bring you surprises on this front and the 4th will start bringing the heat down.
It will be a haughty week taking up your time and efforts, establishing your authority. You may find other senior members of the company facing authority issues and being challenged by each other. The 2nd and 3rd will be good to treat the staff with some choicest language.
Your activities in the week are more about strengthening your business and you will be more influenced by long distance travelling, the 3rd will see your day taking stock of your business activities, on the 5th you are likely to be visiting your documents.
Lions, you are all looking at a week housed with small and medium level accidents and foolishness in the business process. Be highly alert of these matters on the 4th and 7th days. It will be a good time to exit out of dead stocks in this week. The 6th is more opportune for it.
Your concerns with partnerships and customers/clients will keep you occupied in this week. It's a good week to increase your personal rapport with them and share their views on your products and services. You may encounter some unhealthy relations with clients on the 3rd.
Libran business men may find it easy to handle employe issues and employee related government matters in this week. You will find brisk business in the second half of the week. Be ready for some bad news on the 6th, regarding logistics.
Scorpions, you will be quite content with expansion drives in this week and your plans for growth and expansion will see more positive advancement. There might be some documentary or communication flaw in this on the 3rd and the first half of the 5th.
The Archers, you will be fervently targetting your in house processes and administrative department with queries of various nature. Your focus in the week will be more on keeping the inner sanctum efficient. The 1st and 2nd could be challenges on the financial front.
The Goats, it's a frantic week for you with a lot of travelling in the short distances at short notices for sales promotions and small deals. Keep your travelling bag ready and up-to-date. The 2nd and 5th will cause accidents on the production front.
For the Water Bearers, Mahaveer finds that the week talks a lot about investing and finances. The 6th and 7th will prove lucky for fruitful investments while the rest of the week is a combo of research and decisions on where to park your money.
The Fish will be concerned with the self and the ego in this week, focussing more on soft skills development and personal growth to be a better leader at the work place. Your depressive moods need to be checked on the 3rd and 6th of October.