Your Birthday is not only a day for Celebrations but also very significant in terms of deciding how your Year ahead will unfold for you
In this series of our special Birthday Predictions, we will tell you how your complete year will look like if you were born in May. These Predictions are based on Tarot & Numerology combined, hence they are extremely comprehensive and will hence give you an overall view of your life in all the dimensions.
For your Readings simply add your Birthday Date to the Birthday Month & Current Year
Example - If you were born on 22 – 5 – 1980
Then you add 22 ( Birthday Date ) + 5 ( May ) + 2020 ( Current Year )
= 22 + 5 + 2020 = 4 + 5 + 4 = 13 = 4
Hence you will see your Yearly Birthday Reading under Number 4
To know more or get personal details about yourself, consult famous Tarot Reader, Tarot Pooja, now on Astroyogi.
Number 1 Yearly Birthday Readings -
Career & Finance -
Number 1 overall a good year in terms of Money & Career however the second half of the Year will be better for you as compared to the first half. It is advisable to sell off the assets that are not being used to generate that extra cash or liquidity for easy cash flow when required. My Tarot Cards are telling you to be cautious and not to indulge in any office or workplace romance this year as it may backfire. So better keep your personal & professional life separate.
Love & Relationships -
As per my Tarot, the first half of the year promises more romance than the second half. This is totally in sync with our Career & Finance Readings so the overall year is balanced. You should remain loyal to your partner if you are in a relationship and not give in to the temptations. If single you might go through a lot of confusion as would keep comparing the potential partners thus might not land up anywhere. Best is to be monogamous and focus on one person at a time.
Health -
Pay special attention to your health this year. The stomach needs that extra attention. Avoid too much junk food and watch out for any discomfort in the stomach area.
Number 2 Yearly Birthday Readings -
Career & Finance -
Career needs planning & guidance this year. Consulting your Reader & doing the specific Remedies will be a good idea. If there is a need to Invest anywhere this year – property, stocks, etc try to Invest on your Spouse’s Name instead of yours for a better Return On Investment.
Love & Relationships -
My Tarot Cards tell me that you are blessed this year with an Abundance of Love and a very understanding partner. Word of Caution – do not ignore or take your partner for granted due to heavy workload. Try & spend Quality time with Family & Friends. This will both strengthen your bond as well as keep you de-stressed as you have a little rough year at work.
Health -
Number 2s will enjoy overall good health with no major risk. Just invest in some De-Stress Therapies.
Number 3 Yearly Birthday Readings -
Career & Finance -
Number 3s this will be a good year for you to make as much money as you want. Work hard, make proper goals and simply enjoy the grace. Most of your Investments will give you profit. So get used to “ Being Rich" !!!
Love & Relationships -
Love needs some work this year. You might have to go through a breakup and display a lot of courage in that situation. Things might not happen the way you want in your relationship but you would need to take it with a pinch of salt. Seeking Guidance from your Reader & doing the necessary Remedies might be useful.
Health -
Number 3s you shall be enjoying great Health this year and divine will bless you with an amazing metabolism.
To know more or get personal details about yourself, consult famous Tarot Reader, Tarot Pooja, now on Astroyogi.
Number 4 Yearly Birthday Readings -
Career & Finance -
Number 4s this year not only must you work hard but also Accept every situation that arises at the workplace even if it requires you to go out of your comfort zone. Forget the word convenience and be ready to face all the challenges. For Motivation, Guidance & Personalized Remedies you can always get in touch with us.
Love & Relationships -
My Tarot tells that you might go through some major mood swings this year which will impact your close relationships. So do check out those jittery feelings and try to rationalize them before you listen or react to them. Some therapies that you can try doing to help you ease out can be Meditations, Reiki.
Health -
Health will be perfect and shows no major concern area. Slight ups and downs might happen though but overall a balanced year in terms of health.
Number 5 Yearly Birthday Readings -
Career & Finance -
Excellent year for making money with a lot of Success. My Tarot show very good understanding at work with bosses/higher management, work colleagues, as well as the clients.
Love & Relationships -
Patience is the keyword for Number 5s this year at the relationship front. For singles looking for matrimonial alliances, we have a postponement card. For people already in a relationship try and be a giver this year.
Health -
My Tarot shows a Challenge card for Health. Number 5s please pay attention to your health this year. You have been neglecting yourself for quite some time now. This is the time to focus on yourself. Practice Self Love. Feel free to get in touch with us for that secret Remedy that will keep you rocking.
Number 6 Yearly Birthday Readings -
Career & Finance -
Number 6 pays a lot of attention to your work this year. If employed there might be a situation of a job loss. If in business there might be losses. So keep saving for the rainy day. You may consult us for your remedies.
Love & Relationships -
Cupid is very happy with Number 6s this year & blessing you with a lot of Love & Romance. Enjoy your Personal time with your partner. If still a single lookout for that proposal of Mr Right or Miss Right !!!
Health -
You will enjoy an excellent Health complete year with no major issues.
Number 7 Yearly Birthday Readings -
Career & Finance -
Number 7 this year you need to go that extra mileage at work. Remedies are a must to remove those Energy blocks. There will be a lot of stressful moments at work too.
Love & Relationships -
The relationship might be a cause of worry too. Either your partner’s health may cause you concern or there might be some fights or arguments that will cause you stress. Look after your partner’s health and shower them with more & more love this year.
Health -
Number 7 you will enjoy overall good health. Just keep your stress levels under a check and rest everything will be fine.
Number 8 Yearly Birthday Readings -
Career & Finance -
Number 8 you may come at the crossroads this year at work many times wherein you will face some major practical problems in your day to day life and would need to solve them with not just your intelligence but your sense of humour and thinking out of the box too. Be Innovative and try to think beyond those boundaries.
Love & Relationships -
Marriage is on the cards for Number 8s. If already married there could be childbirth as well. Your relationship will evolve to the next level and bonding will become stronger.
Health -
Number 8 you need to look after your Health now. Some already existing health issue or a health issue from the past might surface and trouble you again with even more intensity. Regular health check-ups will be a good idea.
Number 9 Yearly Birthday Readings -
Career & Finance -
Number 9 money is Flowing !!! You will have a Midas touch and whatever you will touch this year will turn into gold. If you are an artist then this is an excellent year for you. Find the expression of your emotions in your creativity and you will do amazingly well.
Love & Relationships -
The golden period for Number 9s in terms of Love & Relationships. Love is in the Air !!!
Health -
Mental & Emotional Health needs attention. Try not to have stress & anxiety as this looks like a prime area of concern as per my Tarot Cards. Try to Meditate regularly. We are just a call away for further guidance.
Love & Blessings
Tarot Reader